88년생이면 너 영어 잘하지 않아? if you were born in ‘88 are you not good at English?• &
88년생이면 너 영어 잘하지 않아? if you were born in ‘88 are you not good at English?• –년생 born in• 이다 to be• -(으)면 if• 너 you (informal)• 영어 English• 잘하다 to be good• -지 않다 to not be뭐 듣기는 거의 다 가능하고요… I can understand most things…• 뭐 what (in this case it means “well…”)• 듣다 to hear• -기 changes verb into noun• -은/는 topic marking particle• 거의 almost• 다 all• 가능하다 possible, able• -고 and말이… 쪼오끔… speaking is… a little…• 말 words• -이/가 subject marking particle• 조금 a little내가 보기엔 한국말도 서툴러요 지금!!! from what I see you’re even unskilled at Korean right now!• 나 I (informal)• -이/가 subject marking particle• 보다 to see• -에 location marking particle• 한국말 Korean language• -도 too, also, as well• 서툴다 clumsy, unskilled• 지금 right now모든 게 얼떨떨한 신입 알바생 bewildered by everything newbie part-timer• 모든 every• 게 (것이) thing• 얼떨떨하다 bewildered, puzzled, upset• 신입 newcomer• 알바생 part time worker -- source link
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