원래 거짓말하는 사람들이 usually people who are lying• 원래 originally, usually• 거짓말하다 to lie
원래 거짓말하는 사람들이 usually people who are lying• 원래 originally, usually• 거짓말하다 to lie• -(으)ㄴ/는/(으)ㄹ changes verb into adjective (past, present, and future tense)• 사람 person, people• -들 plural marking particle• -이/가 subject marking particle미사여구와 묘사, 형용사를 많이 써 use a lot of rhetoric, description, and adjectives• 미사여구 rhetoric, flowery language• -과/와 with, together, and (slightly formal)• 묘사 description• 형용사 adjective• -을/를 object marking particle• 많이 a lot• 쓰다 to use -- source link
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