goddamnitprotoman:catbountry:robotverve:diarrheaworldstarhiphop:New Zealand rescue dogs trained to o
goddamnitprotoman:catbountry:robotverve:diarrheaworldstarhiphop:New Zealand rescue dogs trained to operate vehicles, pass drivers test on closed circuit race track———————————————————————Two mutts made history yesterday by driving a car down a racetrack. Ten-month-old beardie cross Porter put his paws to the pedals first, steering the Mini down the straight and then turning a corner.He was followed by Monty, an 18-month-old giant schnauzer cross, who completed the same feat.As the Mail reported last week, the pair – along with one-year-old beardie whippet cross Ginny – had been taking driving lessons, which began with them learning to steer a wooden cart pulled along on a string by their trainers.In just eight weeks, they progressed to driving a real car – a modified Mini in which they sat on their haunches in the driver’s seat.Their front paws were on the steering wheel, while their back paws were on levers attached to the accelerator and the brake.The dogs were all rescued by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Auckland, New Zealand. The charity came up with the idea to train them to drive to prove how intelligent they were.ii don’tDOGSBECAUSE YOUR CAT CAN’T DRIVE OUTSIDE OF AN SNL SKIT.i’m fuckin FREAKIN OUT -- source link
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