Feb Bonus set for www.patreon.com/woafterdarkWhat’s funny is after doing a nude p
Feb Bonus set for https://www.patreon.com/woafterdarkWhat’s funny is after doing a nude photoshoot in the snow, we fully geared up Evie so we could do live fire with weapons… which alerted a dude who had been stranded out in the mountains for 24 hours. She had electronic ear pro on, so she could hear his girly cries, and she told me she heard a “woman” screaming.… We had just come up through fresh snow, and we were the only ones who had made it that far. Thought she was fucking with me.We quickly packed up steel target, guns, etc and drove towards to the screams to see what was up. Turns out dude was from the east coast, and had blindly followed his GPS into forest roads his sedan couldn’t handle, and gotten stranded the day BEFORE the massive snow storm, and he had been doubly fucked. Evie and I spent half an hour digging his dumb ass out, and used an improvised solution with 2x4 and my steel jack handle to pull his car out of the ditch he had gotten stuck lol.Probably saved that dude’s life… all because I wanted to take photos in the snow! -- source link