Cathanegs! Midgaheim’s homegrown magical panthers. There’s not a lot that ne
Cathanegs! Midgaheim’s homegrown magical panthers. There’s not a lot that needs explaining here - they’re basically big, insanely durable versions of the charismatic Big Cats we know in our world. One thing of note is that Cathanegs have a symbiotic relationship with a bacteria that is particularly toxic to serpents, making these comparatively simple monsters expertly designed to compete with Midgaheim’s dominant animal clade: dragons. Though not necessarily a certain fight, cathanegs are better at challenging dragons for territory than most other arcane beasts, which is more than enough to earn them the respect of humankind.Lyons - magical lionsNemean Lyons - magical lions with armored hides akin to those of pangolins and armadillosPards - magical leopards/black panthers. One subspecies, the Cassandre, has the ability to exhale a deadly miasma of serpent-killing bacteria.Tygers - magical tigersTusk Tygers - aka Murcats, these magical tigers have prominent exposed tusks akin to those of boars. -- source link