I think she still believes - that it is her world, rather than mine. That it is her choice, rather t
I think she still believes - that it is her world, rather than mine. That it is her choice, rather than mine. That it is her body, rather than mine. Showing her that it is otherwise will be… highly entertaining. Ownership is a real thing - at first when I started to read about D/s I thought it was people being fanciful, that it was people playing ‘pretend’ - harking back to days of real slaves or old fashioned marriage. I thought that some people liked to 'talk about’ owning another person, or would 'agree’ that they would say that one owned another as it gave them a sexy little frisson. Turns out… ownership is real. You can feel it. You can feel the point when a submissive goes from being a submissive you play with, who you fuck, who you have a relationship with… to a human being that belongs to you. They may say they do before they actually do - many subs really want to be owned - but when it happens you can feel the shift. It’s a point where you must laugh at the idea of safe-words, or 'hard limits’, or rules. You’re beyond all that. It would, in fact, be insulting to both of you to even raise the topic. Something has happened, and there’s no going back. Something deep has shifted, perhaps even something spiritual - this human has becomes property. Her will has in some way become sublimated into your own. She’s owned. Few are capable of allowing themselves to be owned. Fewer yet, I suspect, are capable of owning. It’s a magickal act, an act of Will, and it transforms both of you. From that point you can let her fuck whoever she wants, do anything she wants, it still won’t change anything. She’s still yours. Never free. Always owned. -- source link