i hesitate to ask this question because i know the answer has already been predetermined. The amount
i hesitate to ask this question because i know the answer has already been predetermined. The amount of begging and pleading means very little to a Headstrong Dominant. Even if the ample amount of submission makes His cock twitch, He still holds the reigns. i don’t look at it as a lack of persuasion on my part or that i’m doing anything wrong at all. No. i’ve just come to terms with that He’s going to fuck me where He wants, how He wants, and exactly when He wants. And i have to live with the fact that sometimes that happens to be not at all.“I wouldn’t fuck You everyday if I could.” i remember Him telling me this quite a bit ago. The phrase used to loiter in my head and leave a stale taste in my mouth. i took offense to it the very first time it hit my ears and echoed in my self conscious mind. It created an emptiness in the pit of my stomach and chipped away at my already fragile confidence. i didn’t agree with it. i forced amends with it to keep it from eating away at my insides, but only to find the clarity at the end of the treaty. In bold faced capital letters right above the signature it read: THERE IS SO MUCH MORE TO DO THAN JUST FUCK! Everybody fucks. The same emotionless, passionless, preconceived, routine, exchange of body sweat people feel obligated to engage in; one that always ends the same way. We don’t have sex, we have meetings, and the end is always a mystery. A beautiful surprise, even to Him sometimes. Ev-ery-bo-dy-fucks. Given the knowledge that i’ve acquired within This, not everyone has anything close to This. If that were the case, i’d be surrounded by a lot more pleasant people in my life.Obviously, it’s not possible for everyone to be submissive, but not everyone is a fucktoy, or even a slave, and how truly unfortunate that is. Not everyone can make a person feel like a woman and a little girl at the same time. Not everyone can feel the pain and pleasure that i crave in the depths of my soul. Not everyone feels the same rush of endorphins that pass through my body every time He enters me; like a surge of electricity from those defibrillator devices. A metaphoric reminder that brings me to the realization that This is actually taking place. Revives me back to life when the world’s troubles try to break me down.Not everyone waits patiently on their knees. Comfortable as His hand puppet, eyes glued to the captured evidence of beauty that unfolded a few days prior. A computer screen full of images that hold far more potential for meaning than just an arousal for the eyes. It’s an arousal for the heart, the mind, and the body. All of this taking place while He records the wetness as it amplifies between my legs and starts to cascade down His arm; gradually worsening with each picture that slides by. Not everyone can measure the circumference of a zucchini with their ass and find a beautiful emblem to idolize at the end of it. A very vital crest that stains itself to This. It cannot be detached. Not everyone has the pleasure of being an edible table that presents their Master’s sushi for the day. And not everyone can be sent to the edge of climax with just their partner’s voice. Not everyone can say they’ve been involved in an intensely, intimate relationship for a year, without having said more than a hundred words to them in person but has changed their lives a hundred ways. And not everyone can explain that because i’m deeply immersed in This and i can’t even do it.Not everyone gets to fulfill their darkest, most fucked up fantasies with a trusting partner that feels compelled to give as much as He takes. Not everyone stays open and vulnerable…willingly. People don’t just give themselves to someone completely, but it’s the respect and honor that He continues to prove worthy of. And not everyone will make sense of This And that is why This is such a beautiful treasure i feel honored to be a part of. This is something different. It can’t be seen, it can only be felt. That is why we couldn’t tell someone, even if we wanted to. It’s the beauty and satisfaction of knowing that the powerful feelings that most people experience at the end of their climax, are the ones i’m experiencing at the hike of mine. And perhaps the most beautifully intense thing about it all, is that He hasn’t even touched me yet, at least not physically. i almost feel sorry for them, because that’s as good as they’re going to feel. It is unexplainable. Fucking is overrated. The only thing fucking about This, is incredible. This is a magical world of greatness that i wish i could say everyone should experience at one point or other, but i can’t. Not everyone deserves This. Not everyone deserves to have This. It makes me realize that This is what life is about. All the other stuff is bullshit. i find it very hard to believe in much these days, but i do believe in This. This is beautiful enough to invest in. It creates happiness, heartache, knowledge, beauty, passion, fear, trust, all into one fulfilling cycle of pleasure. It creates life inside of me.So please, Sir, don’t fuck me. Use me in every other way possible. Blow my mind, penetrate my soul, swallow my submission, and fuck everything else. Copyright 2013 © youryounglady -- source link
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