kanekiz: *insert kanae voice* Scheiße. It has come to my attention that I have been using Tumb
kanekiz: *insert kanae voice* Scheiße. It has come to my attention that I have been using Tumblr for over two years. I would congratulate myself, but this makes me feel less “started from the bottom now we’re here” and more “started from the bottom now we’re not at the bottom but we’re not much further from it than before”, so there’s that.Putting my wasted years aside, I thought I’d take a bit of time out of my life *insert joke about not having a life here* to say that I am genuinely grateful for everybody who has helped me actually enjoy this website (shitty updates and all), mostly because I do jack. fucking. shit. and the fact that a lot of you are okay with that and join me along the way is pretty heartwarming (or whatever-part-of-the-body-controls-sentiment warming). (I would also like to express my astonishment at the amount of people who continue to follow my formerly animanga blog, currently animanga plus comics plus Disney plus basically everything you can think of except minions, porn and minion porn blog (it’s like a magical girl transformation, except you replace the sparkles with tears and nobody is happy). Seriously, it’s astonishing.)Either way, I hope you appreciate my edit from a series which I have never played, read or watched (I just wanted to know why Nero was an anime girl, okay?) and know that, whether I am following you or you are following me (or both, that’s cool), you guys are on fleek (am I using this term ironically or not, we just don’t know).In the words of the legendary Sharpay Evans, toodles!# - Ja-sakuras | ackernam | aikuros | akahito | akashis | aoichii | asahiis | asukie | asukva | behnedetto | byakuranz | cagune | corsiqa | daikiaomines | dandere | dotachi | draagneels | dressrosas | edwardelriced | eruuris | escarletes | feridh | frecess | fudayk | fushimiz | fuyukoi | garekis | garekiz | ghibil | ginnozah | gouhs | gurenichinnose | hachikenz | haisesaski | hakuryus | hanamiyah | hanzohs | haou | hawuka | hibarielly | hittokas | hwuan | illurni | itoshikii | judalz | judarw | junpeihyuuga | juzou-s | jvuzouK - Qkagariis | kammishiro | kanaevonrosewald | kanaez | kanekien | kanhekiz | kashimmas | kayuui | kenmai | kibikinoakatsuki | killvua | kirishimma | kiryuuiins | kkishou | kogyoko | kougaami | kougyoren | kryoutas | kukurocchi | kurogamis | kurokos | kurokucchi | kuurikaras | leviarckerman | mahiros | makisshimaz | makotozz | mamura-s | matsuokav | matzsuoka | midforde | mihkorin | mikkotto | miyukkis | mukoros | murasakki | nagisakazuki | nanasehh | nannase | netsoii | nezyumi | nicolasis | nishiinoyas | nnishikih | oikawass | oneesamas | oniisann | oureki | owarinoseraphs | petraralls | princezenR - Zreishikiz | rinsmatsuoka | ryoutakises | ryoutta | sakouras | satsuyo | seihanndas | seikis | serragakis | sexagaki | sexpai | sexuoh | sexsuke | sezakis | shinjis | shinyahiiragih | shinyaz | shisshio | shizuuku | shuunehki | shvtoku | sshiroyasha | stevenstonerz | suuzumes | suzuias | suzuyajuzoo | taikos | takassugi | tamakisuohz | tareui | tenkas | tobito | toshiroz | toushiz | tsukivamashuu | tsunemorie | ttetsuro | ukiinas | ulquioras | uta-s | yagamiraito | yamakenz | yamazakisosukes | yatax | youkas | youngbaaes | yoshoika | yuhari | yuikkos | yumirz | yuukihara | yuukinos+ BLOGROLL -- source link
Tumblr Blog : kanekiz-moved.tumblr.com