oceanportal:To show our appreciation for estuaries this last day of National Estuaries Week here are
oceanportal:To show our appreciation for estuaries this last day of National Estuaries Week here are some beautiful photos from around the United States.Estuaries are incredibly important ecosystems that include diverse landscapes like muddy marshes, seagrass beds, mangrove forests, oyster reefs, rocky tidal pools, sandy beaches—pretty much anywhere that fresh water from rivers meets the salty ocean tides. They serve as habitat nurseries for young fish and birds, absorb and store large amounts of carbon, and help protect coastlines during powerful storms (to name just a few of their many functions). We truly owe a lot to these diverse and beautiful places. Photo Credit: Top- NOAA; Middle- flickr user jere7my tho?rpe, Mary Hollinger, NESDIS/NODC biologist, NOAA; Bottom- NOAA -- source link