fortheloveofasub: OUR TIME A Long-Distance Vanilla Couples’ First Foray Into D/s - Part VII If
fortheloveofasub: OUR TIME A Long-Distance Vanilla Couples’ First Foray Into D/s - Part VII If You Missed Part VI - It Is Available Here I break away from our kiss and step back away from you. The look of disappointment on your face and all of your body language cries out for more embraces and kisses. I put my game face back on, time to be dominant again; a loving dominant to be sure, but dominant all the same. I let you stand there blindfolded for a moment while I contemplate my next move. Looking down I decide that your breasts have been shy of attention for too long. You hear me walk over to the toy drawer and open it but you have no idea what I have retrieved. My return to you gives no hint. Reaching out, I grasp both of your nipples at once between my thumbs and forefingers rolling them back and forth; gently initially, but with greater and greater insistence as your breath catches and your nipples harden. Suddenly I stop the rolling motion and simply grasp your nipples, pulling them toward me, drawing your breasts out into pointed peaks. You gasp. Then I let go, watching them fall back in place. Your nipples are like rocks; exactly the effect I was looking for. You sense something around your right nipple, which seems to get tighter and tighter, not painful but snug. I imagine that you think it must be your nipple jewelry. But then the same sensation envelopes your left nipple and you only own one nipple ring! “Oh no, not that damn nipple noose thing,” you blurt out, “I hate that.” I drop the cold red chain attaching your nipples to one another and you feel it swing against your skin. Suddenly you realized that you have spoken without permission and intuitively know that you have erred. I give you no time to think about it. Immediately I reach for the jumping bat and give you two quick swats on the top of each breast for your transgression. I know that I need say or do no more; the message has been delivered. You will not make that mistake again. Returning to my personal entertainment, I reach for the nipple chain and gently begin to pull it outward toward me once again drawing your breasts out into pointed peaks. It is quite a sight! The gentle tugging serves to ever so slightly tighten the nooses around your nipples and you give off a low groan. An evil thought crosses my mind. “You will learn not to speak out of turn love,” I lecture. “You must hold this chain between your teeth until that lesson is well learned and I say you may release it.” The chain is short so I have to pull your breasts up by their nipples, stretching them some, and you must also bow your head submissively in order for the chain to reach your mouth. I place it between your teeth and you compliantly bite down. The visual effect is stunning! You groan again not appreciating this new twist in our play. Yet there has to be some positive effect of the tight nooses on your nipples and the upward tugging of the chain because you begin to squirm noticeably, rubbing your thighs together. I know what you are up to there, trying to sneak in a little genital manipulation with your thighs. But I decide to let it slide for the moment to counteract your distraction and loss of focus caused by my experimentation with the nipple nooses, which I know you do not care for. In fact, watching you rub your thighs back and forth, bending a little at the waist for a better angle, and the consequent swaying of your hips is most enticing. So much so that I decide to take a seat on the edge of the bed and watch the show. “Go ahead,” I instruct, “give yourself all the pleasure you like.” Then another evil thought crosses my mind; you have positively inspired me! I get up from the bed quickly and step behind you. Grasping your right arm by the wrist I bring it up and behind your head and repeat the same maneuver with your left arm clipping the wrist cuffs together. I walk around in front of you to admire my handiwork. It’s a Dom’s dream come true! There you stand naked but for your high heels, blindfolded with your arms locked behind your head; your head is bowed in most alluring submission, and you are clasping the nipple chain in your teeth, thus stretching your breasts upward by the nipples. Oh what a sight! The glow in my loins reignites. I sit back down on the bed taking it all in. You cannot be comfortable at all, yet that is the fun for me. The Dom giveth and the Dom taketh away. “So you want to sneak in a little pleasure for yourself eh?” I ask rhetorically. You cannot answer clearly with the chain in your mouth, and nodding your head would only stretch your nipples further. What a predicament! “You want a little release from the mounting frustration of not being able to cum all afternoon?” I ask chuckling at my twenty questions approach and your inability to answer. You grunt an affirmative “uh huh” and I know just what you want. “Well then, alright love; I will give you a shot. But you must stand right where you are and rub against nothing else.” Looking at my watch I give the ultimatum, “You have five minutes and only your thighs to provide the release you crave. On your mark, get set, GO!” Oh how I wish I had a video camera at this moment! The sight of you rubbing your thighs together, bending back and forth for better angle and effect is electrifying. I watch from the bed, utterly transfixed at your efforts to raise your arousal and bring about desperately needed relief. You undulate this way and that, crossing and uncrossing your legs, looking for any way to stimulate your engorged and sensitive clit. I feel myself getting harder by the second. I glance over at my watch. “One minute,” I inform you as monotone as I can possibly manage in my excitement. Your efforts continue apace. You seem to have found a sweet spot and you rotate your hips in time with the rubbing back and forth of your thighs. Your breathing rate is increasing through your nose and clenched teeth holding the nipple chain. At one point you seem to nearly lose your balance unable to see through the blindfold and standing in the awkward position you are, head down, arms behind your head. But you recover quickly and continue rubbing and swaying. I cannot help but touch myself as I look on…this is the greatest show on earth tonight! Looking again at my watch I announce to you that two minutes have passed. The pace of your rubbing and bending picks up as you realize that nearly half of your allotted time has passed. You try a new tactic, shifting your weight from one foot to the other and swaying your hips from side to side. You keep this up for a little while before becoming frustrated with the lack of progress and return to your original thigh rubbing and bending back and forth. I am so aroused by your efforts that I cannot stop myself from pumping up and down with my hand on my cock. I think smugly to myself that it is a pity that you cannot see me now. You have always wanted to watch me masturbate. But then that would likely only make your efforts to reach orgasm easier and I do not want that! “Three minutes,” I announce in my best deadpan voice. Now you are getting serious. You realize that your time is slipping away and you redouble your efforts. The rubbing of your thighs has reached a fevered pitch and I think to myself that surely you must be getting chafed in there. But if you are, you neither seem to notice or care. Your breathing is becoming ragged through clenched teeth and a sheen of sweat is breaking out on your brow and across your chest. You are grunting and moaning in earnest now as your excitement climbs higher and higher. As I jack off to the sight of your frenetic efforts I fear that I may have misjudged the time it would take you to reach orgasm and the ferocity of your efforts. You are moaning desperately now causing me to consult the watch. “Four minutes,” I announce. With that you seem to become utterly desperate. You are pumping and grinding for all you are worth, doing anything to stimulate an already over-stimulated yet ignored clit. I can tell you are nearing your peak by the grunts and moans you give off. They become louder and more insistent, yet there is desperation there too. You are close, so very close to the orgasm that has been denied you. Rivulets of sweat are running down your heaving chest and a little trickle of saliva falls from your open mouth as you clench the nipple chain in your teeth. It is going to be a close thing. I pray that I am not wrong, for I have much more in store for you this evening. I do not want you to cum. “Four minutes and 30 seconds!” My God, this positively sets you off! You are rubbing and panting and moaning and exclaiming with desperation. Your chest heaves in great gasps and I see your stomach muscles pulled tight like steel cables as your orgasm approaches. I stop masturbating and look repeatedly at the second hand on my watch. “Four minutes and 45 seconds,” I announce over your grunts and exclamations. You have pulled out all the stops now. In addition to rubbing your thighs rapidly back and forth bent over at the hips, you are now fiercely tugging upward on the nipple chain with your head trying anything you can possibly think of to send yourself over the edge. You are grunting continuously with each forced exhalation of breath, your chest heaving uncontrollably, sweat pouring down you. I am so turned on watching you that I nearly forget to look at my watch. You are desperate, pushing yourself as hard and fast as you can. “Five minutes….stop!” But you continue on in desperation. “I said STOP….NOW!!!” “Prrreeeaaassseee, I need to cum,” you moan through clenched teeth on the nipple chain as your gyrations furiously continue. “No, I will tell you when you can cum! I gave you five minutes and you failed to make it happen for yourself. You will obey the terms of the agreement. Stop now and spread your legs!” “No please, please, I am so close,” you pant through your clenched teeth as your thighs work back and forth. I can see the wetness smeared all over your upper thighs and part of me wants to let you go on but I will not. “Follow my direction. Spread your legs!” I reach for the jumping bat and smack the tops of your thighs hard trying to get you to stop but you carry on seemingly not to notice the harsh impacts or maybe egged on all the more by them. I grasp your shoulder and shake you trying to break through the deep mists of your erotic arousal, “STOP NOW!!!” You keep pumping your legs back and forth shouting now, “NO…NO…NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” “Spread your legs NOW,” I shout, smacking your thighs over and over again. Finally the pain of my impacts breaks through your fevered arousal and you stop momentarily gasping and grunting. Seizing the opportunity, I smack the tender inside of your thighs urging you to part them further. Finally you get the message and spread your legs apart a fair distance leaving you no means of stimulating your desperately engorged and aroused clit. I stop the smacking and sit back down on the bed. You have dropped the nipple chain from your teeth and raised your head gasping for air. The rise and fall of your chest gradually subsides as your gasps slowly turn to whimpers. You stand there, so beautiful and sexy in your desperation, rocking your hips from side to side, in a residual bid to maintain your high state of arousal. “Please, please finish me off,” you whimper. I smile to myself and reply, “Not yet love, I have more in store for you. We are going to fly even higher before this is all said and done, and before we are finished you will beg me for mercy. You will eventually cum, there is no doubt about that, but on my terms and in my time.” “Please?” You stand there whimpering a little, swaying back and forth. I want so badly to go to you and hold you, to show you comfort and love. But a deal is a deal. A Dom must stand behind his word. There will be ample time for nurturing, love, and affection when I am through with you. But all the same, I feel some pity for your plight. Walking behind you, I unclasp your hands and lower them to your sides, gently rubbing my hands up and down your arms. I do what I can within the bounds of my role as Dom to provide some reassurance and comfort. “You are awful,” you whisper intensely. “Please just take me to bed and make love to me.” “Now, now,” I whisper in your ear, “Your time will soon come and when it does, you will thank me for it, for you will have experienced nothing like it in the world. But in the mean time,” I continue, “you will submit yourself to me and I will give you the release you crave when you have begged sufficiently and properly for it.” You shake your head and snort in what I interpret as a mix of anticipation and disgust. I bend over and kiss your neck, wrapping my arms around you in reassurance. “You will thank me in the end,” I repeat. Stepping around in front of you I place my hands firmly on both your shoulders turning you around so your back faces the bed. Gently I back you up to its edge. “Lay down,” I gently but persuasively order pressing you down toward the comforter, “rest for a moment before we begin the final round of our encounter.” The words “final round” seem to resonate with you, giving you hope that climax and release might be just around the corner. You lay back in the center of the bed, arms at your sides and legs slightly parted. Your labored panting has subsided to deep breathing and, for the first time since I entered the room what seems hours ago, you have the chance to relax. I let you do just that for a few minutes also letting the heat and throbbing between your legs subside. “Would you like a drink love?” I ask. You nod that you would and I gently lift your head with my hand for you to accept the water bottle I have raised to your lips. You drink thirstily and finally nod that you are done. Swallowing loudly and with a sigh you rest your head back on the pillow still isolated behind the dark solitary existence of the blindfold. To Be Continued In Part VIII Text © For The Love of a Submissive, 2012 -- source link
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