I had the BEST riding lesson the other day. Honestly I’m still hurting a lot haha but that&rsq
I had the BEST riding lesson the other day. Honestly I’m still hurting a lot haha but that’s the price to get back into it. I know this isn’t cosplay, but I don’t love how we can all feel so hung up on content all the time. I wanna show all of me! I remember how myself I used to be ✨back in the day✨ when I would use my tumblr every day, maybe we can get back to some of those vibes on Instagram. If you follow me for cosplay and/or are a cosplayer, what are some of your other favorite hobbies? PS his name is BUTTONS how cute is that? ❤️#horsebackriding #horses #personal (at Atlanta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B24um73DV6O/?igshid=1v0inw21edjxg -- source link