Title: 힐러 / Healer Chinese Title: 治愈者 Genre: Romance, Comedy, Action, Thriller Episodes: 20 (To Be C
Title: 힐러 / Healer Chinese Title: 治愈者 Genre: Romance, Comedy, Action, Thriller Episodes: 20 (To Be Confirmed) Broadcast network: KBS2 Broadcast period: 2014-Dec-08 to 2015-Feb-10 Air time: Monday & Tuesday 22:00 Synopsis Kim Moon Ho (Yoo Ji Tae) is a popular reporter at major broadcasting company. One day, he learns the truth of a case that took place in the past. He intentionally approaches people who are related to the case and helps them. While doing so, he agonizes over the truth and beliefs. Meanwhile, with the help of Kim Moon Ho, internet reporter Chae Young Shin (Park Min Young) and Seo Jung Hoo (Ji Chang Wook), known as “Healer,” grow into real reporters. Cast Main Cast Ji Chang Wook as Seo Jung Hoo / HealerYoo Ji Tae as Kim Moon HoPark Min Young as Chae Young Shin People around Seo Jung Hoo Kim Mi Kyung as Jo Min JaOh Kwang Rok as Ki Young Jae - Choi Dong Goo (최동구) as Ki Young Jae (young)Tae Mi as Kang Dae YongJi Il Joo as Seo Joon SukJung Kyu Soo as Seo Joon Seok (Jung Hoo’s father) People around Chae Young Shin Park Sang Myun as Chae Chi Soo (Young Shin’s step father)Park Won Sang as Jang Byung SeWoo Hyun as Chul Min People around Kim Moon Ho Park Sang Won as Kim Moon Sik (Moon Ho’s older brother)Do Ji Won as Choi Myung HeeWoo Hee Jin as Kang Min JaeJang Sung Bum as Lee Jong Soo Others Park Sang Wook as Bae Sang SooJo Han Chul as Yoon Dong WonOh Jong Hyuk as Oh Gil HanSon Seung WonKim So YunLee Kyung Shim Production Credits Production Company: KIMJONGHAK Production Chief Producer: Bae Kyung Soo Producer: Mo Wan Il, Yoon Jae Hyuk Director: Lee Jung Sub, Kim Jin Woo Screenwriter: Song Ji Na Awards 2014 KBS Drama Awards – Best Couple Awards: Ji Chang Wook and Park Min Young (Healer)2014 KBS Drama Awards – Popularity Actor: Ji Chang Wook (Healer)2014 KBS Drama Awards – Excellence Actress (Medium Series): Park Min Young (Healer) -- source link
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