File Under: New Sincerity - how 2 achieve it, how 2overcome it and other memes of contemporary liter
File Under: New Sincerity - how 2 achieve it, how 2overcome it and other memes of contemporary literature. How often is newsincerity really just a more elaborate ploy 2 conceal oneself? How often isopenness and honesty merely a more elaborate form of seduction? Like when youannounce that you want 2 seduce some1 how that in itself is the most ingenious meansof seducing them, seducing them not with lies but with honesty. But is ithonesty if it only conceals the lies which are at the heart of most, if not all,speech? I wanna make a table (or piechart): who is writing 2reveal oneself (the longing 2 be represented, 2 appear thru art), who iswriting 2 conceal oneself (the longing 2 be annihilated, 2 disappear thru art)and those who are writing 2 conceal themselves by revealing themselves (thelonging 2 simultaneously appear and then disappear in that new appearance), orrevealing themselves by concealing themselves which is much the same thing.Only different. ‘Behind the mask another mask’ and all that. Who is writingthemselves in2 existence (from 0 to 1), who is writing themselves out ofexistence (from 1 to 0) and who is writing 2 make as many different versions ofthemselves as possible in order 2 split themselves infinitely in2 greater orlesser selves (from 1 to infinity symbol). And dissolves selves altogether, amelodramatic declaration that i find difficult not 2 sympathise with.So pomo play is tiresome we want our oldauthenticity back. I sympathise with this too, enough of thismetametametametanarrative bullshit, give us a bit of substance, some stories,some characters, some raw feels. But new sincerity (of the franzen and a lot ofinternet poetry variety which maybe steers clear of his particular brand ofdull while instead inaugurating its own regime of meh) strikes me as fairlysoulless too, without any of the hilarity we expect from pomo insincerists likepynchon or delilo. So fuck this new sincerity we want our old irony back. Butirony that lashes with gentle tongues (austen, flaubert) or that burns withtongues of flame (rimbaud, acker) or that simmers thru the guts for thousandsof years (the bible, aristophanes, plato) and continues 2 emerge in boils andblisters and up all night rantings and ravings. Go hard or go home cus. Maybethis is machismo, or maybe this is the closest ive ever gotten 2 new sincerity,maybe this is new vulnerability (come at me alt lit bruzzies), but its time 2get serious and by serious i mean joking and by joking i mean, we take ourhumour very very seriously. And that is lightly and terribly. -- source link
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