IS THE JURY SYSTEM THE BEST SYSTEM? Twelvestrangers, or six if it is a civil trial, sit i
IS THE JURY SYSTEM THE BEST SYSTEM? Twelvestrangers, or six if it is a civil trial, sit in judgment and decide yourfate. No training is necessary, no basicunderstanding of law or justice is required. Is this the best system of justice that we can come up with? TheUnited States is in the minority of countries in the world utilizing the jurysystem, or one like it, to decide issues of life and death. In the civil arena, issues of justcompensation for victims of a wrong, along with billion-dollar patent questionsbetween the largest companies in the world, are decided by normal, everydaycitizens. This system is supposed torepresent a cross section of our society and to bring order to the chaos ofeveryday life; restoring balance to the world when a contract is violated, orthe police exceed the bounds of their powers. Thissystem has been questioned almost since its origin over 1000 years ago, whencitizens were called upon to decide the fate of their neighbors who had beenaccused of wrongdoing. Try as we might,the world has never been able to come up with an alternate system which is fairand impartial to all. The settlers inthe new world that became America, brought with them a respect for the commonlaw and with it the jury system to decide guilt or innocence and thecompensation for wrongs inflicted. Theright to a trial by jury is written into the United States Constitution incivil cases as well as criminal cases. Its roots run deep, but how fair is a system that penalizes people whocannot think of a good enough reason not to avoid their civic duty? Visitwww.johnmorelli.comfor more information on why it is in your interest to have a Certified CivilTrial Attorney on your side. Someone who knows how to make the system work foryou. -- source link
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