cheesy-kitten-liveblogs: Oh, damn, Pearl is tearing up about this. :( To an outsider (i.e., me)
cheesy-kitten-liveblogs: Oh, damn, Pearl is tearing up about this. :( To an outsider (i.e., me), this feels like a disproportionate response. Rose didn’t tell you she had a lion, so what, you know? But I’m going to assume I don’t have all the context yet. I’m trying to understand what is causing Pearl to react this way. Because it’s obviously affecting her a lot. I think sometimes dramatic reactions are played for laughs on SU, but this one is not. Pearl is so shaken over something that seems trivial. But perhaps it’s not really about Lion. More… what Pearl feels this represents. If you look at the last couple scenes, it feels like Pearl built a large part of her identity around being Rose’s sole confidant. It made her feel valued and special to Rose. But then you also see that notion slowly unraveling, as with the scene in the armory. And perhaps this feels like the cherry on top. Everyone has stuff they keep to themselves, and that’s okay. Rose doesn’t have to disclose everything. Even in a romantic relationship, there’s stuff you can keep to yourself, because everyone deserves a little privacy. But Pearl feels bad that Rose didn’t trust her with this. Is Pearl now feeling like what she thought she was to Rose is not necessarily true anymore? Like she wasn’t actually Rose’s sole confidant? Which probably hurts. If I wasn’t that, than what was I to her? The blush from Pearl reads to me like embarrassment, almost. It’s not like Rose is around to explain herself, which makes it more difficult to process. Or maybe it’s confirming any existing fears Pearl had about the fragility of whatever relationship was there. Rose was so great and shared everything with me, why wouldn’t she share this? What did I do wrong? Like it feels like it’s something wrong with Pearl, when there could have been any number of reasons Rose didn’t tell her, all beyond Pearl’s control. Kind of like how Amethyst probably felt like it was something wrong with her when Rose spent less time with her. But it wasn’t… just how things happen sometimes. I wonder why Rose didn’t tell Pearl about Lion. It kind of feels Lion is reserved for Steven, so perhaps that’s it? I don’t think Rose had to tell her about Lion, but that’s curious. I also wonder if Pearl isn’t going through some sort of trauma response. Obviously, trauma manifests in various ways, but. I think sometimes something takes people back to previous trauma, seemingly out of the blue. They behave as if they are back in that horrible situation, because their brain is telling them they need to defend themselves (even if they aren’t in a dangerous situation anymore, and danger isn’t always just physical). When you don’t know that, it can feel like a reaction came out of nowhere or is way over the top. Is Pearl reliving some past conflict? Or something else really awful? I dunno. But it’s sad to watch. I feel for Garnet, too, who is clearly trying to be gentle with Pearl. Garnet could have been blunt. But she seems to understand this is a sensitive thing. Even so, it isn’t working out. Pearl kind of flinches when Garnet says Rose kept many things secret. :(((( Garnet seems to have no qualms accepting Rose kept secrets from her (and the others). At least, on the outside. Which is interesting, too. We could get into Garnet seemingly having more composure and security than the others, or at least giving off that image. Maybe she’s a bit more removed, so she can see it more clearly. Like she hasn’t built up most of her identity around being Rose’s sole confidant. But I also think Garnet would understand keeping secrets as a leader. Is there stuff Garnet keeps from the others? I’m sure. -- source link
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