tehbewilderness: cumbler-tumbler:emeritusprofessorofnothing:cumbler-tumbler:philosophy-and-cof
tehbewilderness: cumbler-tumbler: emeritusprofessorofnothing: cumbler-tumbler: philosophy-and-coffee: And then they lost to Trump, and our country is being torn apart by a neo-fascist and his cronies. The 2016 campaign was a failure, and proof that neoliberalism needs to die, or millions more will suffer. Hillary may have been historic in terms of representation, but she was more of the same neoliberal crap that refuses to actually question our current society. McEwan is big into identity politics and liberal feminism. Lol! @cumbler-tumbler, you beat me to it. :D! I mean, just look at the way she lists the ethnicities and colors and orientations of everyone, ticking them off like she’s awarding points. There’s no question that it’s important and necessary to have diverse campaign staff, politicians, etc., but she’s kind of using them as tokens. oh, p.s., she also bullies commenters who look critically at gender and trans issues. If I had forgotten I stopped reading Shakesville because of how stunning her demonization and repudiation of Hillary Clinton was in 2008 I might make the mistake of thinking her sincere. Melissa McEwan is an emotionally abusive and manipulative narcissist who waaaay overidentifies with Hillary Clinton. No, seriously, it’s scary, and she’s been like that for some time now. She’s basically ticking off her own boxes here as a way to show how great she is. What’s it boils down to in Melissa-speak is: Melissa is a groundbreaking feminist who is as progressive as she can possibly be (and n.b. Melissa has claimed to have Jewish ancestry); look at all she’s done for Black women, Muslims, and the gay and trans community; She’s a winner and hugely popular; oh don’t forget everything Melissa’s done for the Latinx community (wouldn’t want to forget to name-drop them too); and she’s fought against Trump’s agenda since for-ever. And none of this is ‘business as usual’; oh no, this is Melissa working hard, so hard to represent those poor people who would not otherwise have any representation (her complaint about 'ignor[ing] and dismiss[ing] those leaders’, i.e. her, is the tell by the way). And of course identity politics are going to be her thing, because that way she can claim to be marginalized in as many ways as she can make up and nobody can call her on it. And then she gets to scold white people at the end because she (as a white person) knows better. I know, that sounds all out of the blue conspiracy theory, but I’ve been sporking Melissa’s bad behavior as a hobby for a while now. Try the tags 'Melissa McEwan is a narcissist’ and 'Shakesville is a cult’; that should bring up some of the stuff I’ve written about her in the past. Incidentally the reason I do (or did) all that is because I have abuse in my past, and analyzing her bad behavior was a no-risk way to learn to recognize the patterns (which is much harder and much riskier to do with family). That, and because she’s harming the people in her 'beloved community’, many of whom are there because she advertises Shakesville as a 'safe space’. -- source link
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