TierraAmulet with Azurite & Obsidian.From collection “Elementals”.(You can visit
TierraAmulet with Azurite & Obsidian.From collection “Elementals”.(You can visit my etsy: https://www.etsy.com/ie/shop/MiAraku insta: https://www.instagram.com/milda_miaraku/FB page: https://www.facebook.com/MiAraku-332429003986796/for more works.)About stone: Azurite The Wizard Expansive • Empowerment • Wisdom A highly sought after crystal in the world of gemstones, Azurite is known for its stunning blue color, which evolved over the millennia through reactions between copper, hydrogen, carbonate, and oxygen. Azurite features deep contrasting shades of blue, which comes from its fusion with Malachite, a closely related mineral that contains nearly the same chemistry. In crystal healing, Azurite is a gem when it comes to enhancing creativity and inner wisdom because it cleanses and activates the third eye chakra.To channel the healing properties of Azurite, place it in your office or studio for a constant flow of its powerful energy. Because it stimulates creativity and enhances intuition, the Azurite stone is excellent for using as a study aid or during a work session in the studio. Before you begin work on a project, sit quietly with the stone for twenty minutes to benefit from its inspiring energy.Borrowing from the Zen tradition of meditation, gaze at the stone and notice any thoughts or feelings that come up. Keep a notebook handy in case you want to write down any notes that would be helpful later on. Then, gently let those thoughts and feelings fade away and begin to breath rhythmically while being mindful of inhaling positivity and exhaling any negative thought patterns that are holding you back from your natural state of joy.Read more: https://www.energymuse.com/azurite-meaningObsidian crystal properties are known for their stabilizing and grounding effects, making it an excellent crystal for reigning in scattered energies. In healing layouts, Obsidian crystal brings a strong presence with its powerful grounding properties. When your head is lost in the clouds, it can cause unwelcome side effects, including procrastination and feelings of isolation. If you find yourself getting lost down the rabbit hole of spirituality, Obsidian crystal makes an excellent tonic for restoring a harmonious balance between your spiritual self and the physical world of reality. Use Obsidian properties to anchor yourself securely into the earth, keeping your eyes on the stars and your feet planted firmly on the ground. Obsidian stone also makes a trusted companion to carry with you during a healing process, especially one that unfolds over time. It gives us the strength and patience needed to overcome challenges, no matter how long the journey takes. Let the Obsidian crystal meaning bring out your intuition, that wise inner voice that somehow always knows the right thing to do. (source: https://www.energymuse.com/obsidian-meaning)Photo credits: https://www.facebook.com/RasaPupelytePhotography/ -- source link