inabadromance: Simblreen 2016: Gifts. (decorative) happy halloween! :) think of these as an add-on t
inabadromance: Simblreen 2016: Gifts. (decorative) happy halloween! :) think of these as an add-on to last year’s gifts. You can grab them here & here. …… find by searching Halloween or Spooky. 1. Dispenser / filled & empty glass. 3 halloween swatches & 2 autumn-ish (orange & lemonade juice). Base Game. Custom Thumbnails. New mesh. Polygons > Dispenser - LOD high: 1550p, LOD low: 980p. > Filled glass - LOD high: 604p, LOD low: 415p . > Empty glass - LOD high & low: 300p. 2. Spooky beverages pumpkin cooler (deco). Download matching separate drinks. 4 maxis variations (english & simlish). Base Game. Custom Thumbnails. EA edit / new mesh. Polygons > LOD high: 1640p, LOD low: 1120p. 3. Witch cupcakes (deco). 3 swatches. Base Game. Custom Thumbnails. New mesh. Polygons > LOD high: 1200p, LOD low: 1050p. 4. Halloween spooky spider balloons. 7 swatches. Base Game. Custom Thumbnails. EA edit / New mesh. 2 versions, same swatches. (for the sake of variation) Polygons > LOD high: 1140p, LOD low: 818p. . Download: - download links on my blogspot page! Follow my TOU for recolors or other inquiries please. (updated 06/06/2015) . Other Sims 4 downloads: #S4CC. If you have any comments or issues write me!If something doesn’t show up, update your game!Check original post for updates or fixes. Tag me if you want to share the love: @inabadromance , i would love to see your game screens or photoshoots! Rebloging pasts simblreen gifts if you haven’t grabbed them yet :D -- source link