The Final Fantasy XIV Eorzea Academy manga is officially out! Here is my summary as the manga is cur
The Final Fantasy XIV Eorzea Academy manga is officially out! Here is my summary as the manga is currently only available in Japanese on the マンガUP! app.The characters who appear and their roles in the manga are as follows:Alisaie: 1st Year student (Protagonist)Alphinaud: 1st year studentG’raha Tia: 2nd yearEstinien: 3rd yearY’shtola: 1st Year Supervisor and Home Room TeacherThancred: 2nd Year Supervisor and P.E. TeacherUrianger: Chemistry TeacherEmet-Selch: 3rd Year Supervisor and School CounselorZenos: 3rd yearAsahi: 1st yearYotsuyu: 3rd yearHaurchefant: 3rd yearAymeric: 3rd year and School PresidentTataru: Principal of the Eorzea AcademyThe first chapter is 32 pages long and is divided into 4 sections for some reason. I’m not familiar with the Square Enix Manga UP! app, but the Eorzean Academy manga Chapter 1 is divided into 4 sections of 8 pages.Just to FYI, you are not allowed to upload any screenshots of the manga online, so I will only be summarizing in text!The manga begins explaining that 2 years ago, the Academy of Light and Academy of Darkness merged to form the Eorzea Academy. There is still tension among the student body because of the two rival schools being combined, so Principal Tataru tries to resolve this.Alphinaud and Alisaie live at the Rising Stones share house (somewhere in Japan I guess??), and it’s morning. Alisaie comes down the staircase and yells at Alphinaud for not waking her up earlier. Alphinaud says no matter how many times he tries, she doesn’t wake up.Y'shtola berates them while she sips her morning coffee, saying that their parents wanted them to make a life for themselves, but it’s honestly a bit worrying lol.Alisaie then narrates that she and Alphinaud were sent to live with Y'shtola, Thancred, and Urianger.Thancred appears with Urianger in the living room, and Urianger is reading his tarot cards. Thancred tries to cheer up Alisaie by saying that students are usually night owls anyway. Urianger chimes in saying “thou cannot experience personal growth overnight.”Alisaie and Alphinaud are eating breakfast at the table with Y'shtola, and Alisaie asks Urainger to read her fortune for the day with his tarot cards. Urianger tells her that the winds seem to be changing for her today. She wonders if it’s a good or bad thing.Urianger says whether it’s good or bad is up to what she chooses to do. Alisaie nags about what that even means, and Urianger says that fortune telling is just vague like that lol.Y'shtola tells everyone to get ready, and she, Thancred, and Urianger leave first.Thancred tells Alphinaud and Alisaie to not be late for school. There’s an all school assembly today, and they musn’t be late for it. Alphinaud asks if she forgot, and she says it totally slipped her mind.They run to school and arrive just in time.Alphinaud is struggling but Alisaie seems just fine. She asks if he’s okay, and he says that his body is not as fit as hers, so he needs some time to catch his breath.Estinien calls to them and asks “what are you guys doing in front of the school gate?”Alphinaud says, “Estinien-senpai…” and Estinien asks what’s wrong? He pats Alisaie on the head thinking she’s Alphinaud and says, “did your sister sleep in again and make you guys run here?” and Alisaie gets angry that he mistakened her for Alphinaud lol.Alisaie continues to yell saying, “I know we’re twins, but I’m literally wearing a girl’s uniform– how can you not differentiate between us!?!?”Estinien says “s-sorry..”Estinien asks “school assembly?” and notes that yesterday one of the supervisors did mention about it. Alisaie is happy that she wasn’t the only one who forgot about the school assembly and speaks to Estinien using the casual form of Japanese.Alphinaud says, “Alisaie, shouldn’t you be speaking in keigo (polite form) to Estinien since he’s our senpai??”Alisaie says she’s just not used to it since she’s bad at speaking keigo LOL.The three of them walk down the hallway together, and Alphinaud continues to try to correct Alisaie’s casual Japanese speech lol. Alisaie looks at them and accidentally runs into G'raha, who’s carrying a bunch of books. He falls over and drops all the books.G'raha and Alisaie are both on the floor, and G'raha apologizes for not seeing in front of him because the pile of books he was carrying was too high. He asks if she’s all right, and Alphinaud and Alisaie say “G'raha Senpai!!” Alisaie apologizes for being careless.Alisaie says the books G'raha were borrowing look very difficult to read. He says he’s been taking his time with the plethora of books that the library has to offer.Alisaie remarks he looks like he would be the popular delinquent type, but he’s actually a bookworm.Estinien looks on and sighs, saying “What are you guys doing??” and G'raha says, “Estinien-senpai!!” and freaks out.He fanboys over Estinien saying, “what fortuitous chance is this where I can see Estinien-senpai from the morning! Today surely will be a great day!”The manga basically recreated this entire scene with G'raha fanboying over Estinien, but in manga form where everyone is wearing their school uniform instead lol.Alphinaud laughs, saying “as expected of G'raha-senpai,” and Alisaie calls him out and says, “but what exactly do you find so appealing in Estinien? He often ditches class so…”Estinien says “um, excuse YOU…” to Alisaie lolG'raha looks offended and says, “how can you not know, Alisaie? Do yo not see how tall he is? How he has excellent reflexes? How he’s so cool? How he’s popular with the ladies? How every man wants to be like him!”Estinien says “ok, ok we get it. You can stop now..”Estinien wonders to himself “what is WITH this guy??” lol. He also admits that he does indeed skip class. Estinien then tells everyone they shouldn’t dally in the hallway and should go to class. Alisaie hands G'raha a bag to put his books in.She then sees a bunch of students wearing black uniforms gather around the hallway. Alphinaud notes that the students are the Students of Darkness, and Alisaie says “oh, that means…”Someone squeals, “ZENOS-SAMA!!!!!”Zenos walks confidently down the hallway, wearing his uniform like this and with his posse Asahi and Yotsuyu on each of his side. He was the top student of the School of Darkness.G'raha notes he excels in fighting and is incredibly strong.Alisaie says she doesn’t care and goes forth through the crowd. She approaches Zenos and Alphinaud tries to stop her. Zenos glares at her. She says, “what’s your problem?”Zenos says, “How disappointing. None of the first years can offer me the challenge I seek.”Asahi asks what’s going on and tells them to clear the way for Zenos-sama, and they are intruding on his turf. Alisaie apologizes and lets them through. She and Alphinaud wonder what Zenos means by not being worthy of the challenge he seeks.Asahi says they’re really noisy, and that’s why the Students of Light are always such a unpleasant bunch. Alisaie gets offended and Alphinaud tries to calm her down lol.Alisaie yells at Asahi, saying “WHY DON’T YOU TRY SAYING THAT AGAIN TO MY FACE!?” and Asahi says, “I’ll say it as many times you’d like with pleasure!!!” G'raha tells Estinien they need to stop this from escalating, and Estinien sighs lol.Yotsuyu then steps in and says “how unpleasant” and Asahi says they should just leave them be and it has nothing to do with her. Yotsuyu then says “well then, I guess it’s not my place to say anything” and Asahi feels bad that he made her feel like that.Asahi apparently has a hidden sister complex and wants to protect his sister or something. That’s…quite different from the FFXIV game version of their character personalities lol.Y'shtola sees Alisaie and Alphinaud in the hallway and scolds them, telling them to go to their home room quickly. The school bell is going to ring soon, and there will also be a school assembly. Alisaie said that the Students of Darkness were in the way though.Emet-selch comes into the hallway (wearing black crocs roflmao) and scolds Zenos.The manga really didn’t need to draw Emet-selch looking so unbelievably smokin’ hot, but I guess here we are lol.Emet-selch is wearing a sleek black dress shirt with a white tie and black slacks, along with his black crocs lol. Zenos says he was just perusing the school grounds to look for someone strong who he can fight against. Emet-Selch says that itself is the problem Emet-Selch scolds the students gathered in the hallway saying that they’re just causing more work for the teachers, but Principal Tataru appears and says that this is fine. She offers a proposal for everyone to follow, which will be also said at the school assembly.The proposal is that the Students of Light and Dark have to do various deeds around the school, taking into account their grades and so forth, to obtain points. The ones with the most points will get something that grants them whatever they wish for.The points will be determined and counted by the moogle faction of the school (lol wut), and doing good deeds for each other and working together will hopefully bring both students of light and dark closer as there is still conflict among the student body.Some of the students criticize Tataru’s plan saying that this would only drive the divide between Light and Dark even further, but Haurchefant comes in with Aymeric and says, “HOW DELIGHTFUL! This is a wonderful idea!!”Aymeric adds, “indeed, I myself have also put much thought into how we can better improve the relations between students in the school” since he is also the School President lol.Aymeric and Haurchefant came into the hallway because they were looking for Estinien.Estinien says, “Haurchefant, Aymeric!? When did you guys get here!?” and Haurchefant replies, “Hey Estinien. We were wondering why you weren’t in class, so we came looking for you!”G'raha appears beside them and ponders, “to have anything I wish for be granted…well, there is this one book about the Great Hero’s Adventure that I had my eye on…”Asahi scoffs and says, “hmph, what nonsense. As if Lord Zenos (Zenos-sama) would even agree to such foolish–”Zenos cuts in and says, “if we are to compare our strengths, then I will gladly do so.”Asahi then says, “OF COURSE MY LORD, LET US PARTAKE IN THIS!"✨Zenos then approaches Alisaie and says, "You there, little Elezen girl. Are you up for the challenge? Or are you afraid of losing?”Alphinaud tries to calm her down, but she yells that of course she will rise to the challenge!Tataru says that the first challenge where the students of light and dark can go about collecting points will be the upcoming Sports Festival. Everyone will be participating, but Alhpinaud says the students of darkness have an advantage as most of them are very fit.Alisaie says that doesn’t matter as she will not back down. She'ill gladly accept the challenge. The Sports Festival will be the first match.And with that, the curtain rises on the everyday school lives of Alisaie and Alphinaud at Eorzea Academy.End of Chapter 1! Chapter 2 will be released in 2 weeks on January 7th, 2022! -- source link
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