Mummy-Wrapped Damsels – Chanel, Part 1Author’s Note: I noticed that my “Mummy-Wrap
Mummy-Wrapped Damsels – Chanel, Part 1Author’s Note: I noticed that my “Mummy-Wrapped Damsels” category so far features only one model, Alana, and I thought she could use some company. Fortunately, pretty Chanel Rae accidentally came into our studio, and we had a huge roll of bondage tape waiting for her! Remember Belle & Erin from “Have Damsel, Will Kidnap – Sarah?” Well, after their kidnap attempt of Sarah went awry, they came to Yours Truly, hoping they could hide out for a while. I took the girls in with the idea I would set them on the road to reform.What hastened a fortunate turn of events was when our community officially became incorporated as DamselTown. It was a perfectly ripe time to open a bondage photo studio. I found a place in an outlet mall & put Belle & Erin to work running the shop. Remember Rebekah, the beautiful business owner from the first “Mummy-Wrapped Damsels” story with Alana? Rebekah was looking for new models to ‘wear’ her new line of bondage tape – in other words, pretty girls fully wrapped from their shoulders down to their ankles. I consulted those trusty kidnappers, Meg & Nicole, to see if any of their girls enrolled in Bondage Academy would be interested in this modelling job. Meg assured me she would send a fine candidate within a couple of days. So, when gorgeous Chanel walked in that afternoon, I thought….Well, let’s have Chanel pick up the story:Chanel: Thanks, Horseguy! Well, it was just the other day I was checking out my figure in a full-length mirror. Not bad, but maybe I could lose a pound or two. I saw an ad in the Damsel-in-Distress Daily about a place in the outlet mall nearby that wrapped you up so you could lose some weight. That sounded easy to me! So, I wandered around the mall that afternoon. It’s new and kind of confusing with lots of twists & turns. Anyway, I thought I found the right entrance. The sign said “Studio – Please Knock.” So, I did! A tall, beautiful redhead opened the door and said with a sweet smile, “Well, hello there. We’ve been expecting you.” That sounded a bit funny. Why would they be expecting me? But I was eager to get the process started, so I asked, “Is there where I get wrapped up?”The redhead pleasantly laughed, and gently took my hand, bringing me into the studio. “It certainly is the place where you’re going to be wrapped up, beautiful. Now, let’s get you situated, and you’ll be all nice & comfy before you know it. Oh, and I’m Erin by the way.”A tall, beautiful brunette with startling blue eyes approached me. She had a huge roll of silver tape in her hand. “Hey, sweetie,” she said, “I’m Belle. Erin & I are going to wrap you up good & tight.” A handsome middle-aged guy was sitting in an office chair nearby. He gave a friendly wave. “Hey there,” he called out, “I’m Horseguy. What’s your name, dear?” “My name’s Chanel,” I replied, “My goodness, you three certainly known how to give a girl a great big welcome.”“You are welcome, honey,” responded Belle, “Now, baby, a bit of logistics. What are you are wearing under that nice blouse & those tight jeans?” “Oh,” I replied, “I actually came prepared. I’m wearing some skin-tight long underwear.” To everyone’s pleasure, I took off my jeans & removed my blouse, revealing me in some nice light pink long underwear.“Wonderful, sweetie!” exclaimed Belle. “You know, the tape we use is very special. It doesn’t painfully stick to the skin, but if you have light clothing, it makes things so much easier.” “Oh,” I replied jokingly, “You should probably put a couple of pieces over my mouth. Everyone says I talk too much!” “Don’t worry, gorgeous,” said Belle, “We’ll get to that! Now honey, look at Erin. See what she’s doing?” I noticed Erin was standing board straight with her arms and hands flat against her sides. “Be a good girl, sweetie and put those pretty little arms to your sides, just like Erin. It’s time to wrap you up!”I did exactly as I was told, standing perfectly still, arms and hands flat against my sides. Erin came behind me & gently pinned my hair up. “Just a precaution, Chanel. We don’t want to get tape in that pretty hair of yours!” “Oh, you girls are so considerate,” I said. The pair stood at either side of me. They teamed up & started wrapping! Erin & Belle were thorough & efficient. Before I knew it, they were wrapping tape across my chest. Erin gave me a playful caress under my breast. I gave her a surprised look, but she just gave me that sweet smile & a wink. I couldn’t help but smile myself. I think these girls were flirting with me!Pretty soon they had my whole upper body completely wrapped down to my hands at my sides. The girls took a break from wrapping & began smoothing over the tape. I kind of liked their pretty hands all over me! “How does your wrap feel so far, Chanel,” asked Belle. “Oh,” I replied, “It’s so comfy! But…” I struggled a little bit. “It’s soooooo secure!” In the meantime, Horseguy was standing behind gently unpinning my hair. “Oh, we’re going to make you good and secure, Chanel, because we don’t want you going anywhere.” I gave a little laugh. Surely, he was joking, right? (Turns out he wasn’t!) “My goodness, Chanel,” Horseguy said, “What pretty, soft hair you have.” “Thank you, Horseguy,” I replied with a shy smile.“Girls,” Horseguy addressed Erin & Belle, “I think it’s time to finish wrapping up Chanel. I’ll hold her while you two complete the wrapping.” “Thanks, Horseguy,” replied Erin, “Let start the tape rolling again, Belle. We’ll have these pretty legs wrapped up before you can say the words ‘pretty damsel.’” Erin gave me a quick, loving look, blowing me an air kiss. I must say this all seemed an elaborate procedure to lose a couple of pounds! Before wrapping me further, Erin looked at my shoes. “Oh my goodness, Belle, let’s take off Chanel’s shoes.” She looked up at me again, smiling. “I really want to see those pretty feet.” After removing my shoes, the girls quickly wrapped the lower part of my body. I was now securely wrapped from my shoulders all the way down to my ankles.Erin & Belle then stepped back to admire their handiwork, while Horseguy held me steady. “How does your wrap feel, Chanel?” asked Belle. “Oh, it is soooooo comfy, Belle!” I exclaimed, “It’s not hot at all! Just pleasantly warm. And I love the way my arms & hands are taped tightly to my sides. It makes me feel…” I shyly glanced down, “…kind of sexy!” Horseguy then stood in front of me, giving my shoulders a nice massage rub. He then said, “Chanel, I think we’ll start taking photos now.” “Oh….all right,” I replied. Hmmmm. That seemed so puzzling. Why did they want to take photos? Maybe it was some promotional thing. I decided to go along & smiled sweetly, while Horseguy shot some photos.It was then Erin commented, “Great job with your model selection, Horseguy!” “Thanks,” he replied, “But I owe most of the credit to Meg at Bondage Academy. You are certainly a good ‘student,’ Chanel!” Now things were confusing! My smile turned into a frown (very well caught by Horseguy in the sexy photo above). “Oh, but I’m not a model,” I explained, “I thought this was the weight-loss place where they wrap you. Where am I?” Belle just shook her head: “Oh, sweetie, it looks like you made a wrong turn. We’re a bondage photo studio. We’re doing a mummy-wrap shoot & thought you were a model.” “Well,” I replied, “I apologize for the mistake, but I think you should go ahead & unwrap me now.”It was then that Belle & Erin started bickering about me. Belle agreed with me that it was best to release me. But Erin was having none of that: “Look, Belle, we spent a lot of time wrapping this pretty girl up. I say let’s tape her mouth shut & take some more sexy photos.” Anyway, while they were arguing, I spied the entrance door somehow got partially open. Since I had no shoes on, I found I could easily hop toward the door on my bare feet. I was about to yell for help when all of a sudden….well I’ll let Horseguy take over the story.Horseguy: Thanks, Chanel! Well, there go the girls arguing again. I just rolled my eyes, but caught some movement near the door. It was our gorgeous model trying to make a getaway! Even though Chanel was fully mummy-wrapped, she had managed to hop her way to the open door & she was about to yell for help. I had to act quickly! I ran over, and grabbed Chanel around the chest with my left arm. I then firmly clapped my right hand over her mouth before she could cry for help. With Chanel helpless in my grasp, Erin speedily came over & shut the door, locking it. I certainly didn’t want to hurt the sweet girl, but it would be sort of bad for business if wrapped-up Chanel was hopping around the outlet mall yelling for help.Still keeping my hand tightly over her mouth, I brought Chanel’s face close to mine. “Now look, Chanel, I think the best thing to do right now is finish this photoshoot, don’t you?” Chanel looked wide-eyed & ‘mmmmph’d’ through her handgag. “And besides, sweetie,” I said more softly, “We’re going to pay you a nice fee, you know.” That seemed to calm the cute damsel down a bit. “Oh, look, Chanel,” I said, “It looks like Erin is preparing a nice surprise for you. Let’s have you hop over & check it out.” Chanel was evidently curious & cooperatively hopped over to Erin. Her eyes widened again, as she saw Erin was measuring out strips of tape that would fit perfectly over her mouth. She made a protesting ‘mmmmph’ through my hand. Belle came over & softly stroked her hair, which seemed to calm her a bit. “There, there, Chanel,” cooed Belle, “It’s a good thing Horseguy is keeping you quiet. We wouldn’t want to disturb the other business owners, would we?” Chanel meekly shook her head. “That’s right, baby. So, in just a jif we’ll have that talkative mouth of yours sealed shut & then we’ll take more sexy photos. Won’t that be nice?” Chanel gave a very submissive nod. I then whispered in Chanel’s ear: “Chanel, be a good girl & stay still. I’m going to adjust my hand to make you even more quiet.” I then quickly moved my hand so now it covered Chanel’s lower face from her nose down to her chin. Her eyes widened a bit in alarm. But then she realized I wasn’t going to smother her, and she relaxed. I think she actually was enjoying her handgag!Sweet Chanel & I patiently watched as Erin finished measuring out the strips of tape. Six in all. I could be on the wrong track, but I think Chanel was looking forward to having her mouth taped shut. There is just nothing more sexy than a damsel surrendering to her bondage!Well, dear readers, Chanel will pick up the narrative in Part 2 of this exciting “Mummy-Wrapped Damsels” adventure. (She’ll have to hurry before her mouth is sealed shut). Stay tuned!Author’s Note: The beautiful model is Chanel Rae, who did some nice work for the good folks at fm Concepts. This sample photo is taken from the now-defunct “Wrapped up Tight” site. Doesn’t she look adorable all tightly wrapped? Perfectly packaged for your kidnap van! jIp��l -- source link
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