Nosy Realtors: Ariel, Part 1Author’s Note: As I alluded to earlier, my stories are entering a
Nosy Realtors: Ariel, Part 1Author’s Note: As I alluded to earlier, my stories are entering a new phase. Don’t worry. Your trusty kidnappers, Meg & Nicole, are still on the prowl, grabbing up pretty damsels, right and left. But, as some of you devoted readers may know, the community Meg & Nicole live in has incorporated, and is now called Damseltown. It is the country’s first “bondage friendly community,” especially, of course, for pretty girls. So, with this change, economic opportunities abound. Gorgeous businesswomen are buying up properties. And they need cute young girlfriends. So, lots of damsels are moving in, seeking what they hope will be an easy ride. And now the town has too many of the coed cuties, so gangs of fem lesbians have appeared, snatching up their prey in their kidnap vans. It’s a bit lawless around here for the time being. The police ladies have their hands full trying to stop the trafficking of stolen goods, as our pretty, little friend, Ariel, finds out the hard way. The real estate market in Damseltown looked so promising, and our sweet agent had dollar signs in her lovely eyes. She didn’t see all the rope that was going to keep her secure and the wide tape that was going to make her nice & quiet. We’ll turn it over to Ariel now, dear readers, so she can tell you all about her bondage adventure!The Story: Hey everyone! I’m Ariel! I had such a wild adventure last week. Who would have thought a simple real estate transaction could lead to so much mischief! Let me tell you about it!This new Damseltown is such an exciting place! I had been bartending at a local tavern, but recently got my real estate license, so now I was ready for a big girl job! And I had my first sale right away! It was a small, 2 –bedroom in a new subdivision. The buyers were a bit of an odd combination, two tall, attractive women in their early 30’s – Bailey, a brunette with warm eyes, Tanya, a blue-haired Goth girl with a ton of tattoos, but a very sweet disposition, and LuEllen, a cute blonde who looked about 16, but was 24. Even though she was the youngest, LuEllen seemed to be in charge.We agreed on a price right away. The girls seemed to be in a hurry to move in. LuEllen had a down payment ready. We signed the papers, but I felt something was not quite right. It had nothing to do with Baily making eyes at me and saying at the end of the transaction, “Ariel, you are sooooo pretty! By chance, do you come with the house?” I blushed at the compliment. I was sort of attracted to Baily, actually.While I was finishing up the paperwork, the girls were already moving some stuff in. Baily & Tanya carried in an old couch, while little LuEllen started dragging what looked like clothes boxes – a whole lot of them! I wonder what that was about! But I was ready to take my leave. Tanya & LuEllen gave me hurried goodbyes, but Bailey smiled and sent me an air kiss.After leaving, my curiosity got the best of me. I think something untoward was going on with those boxes. Then it hit me. My cousin, Emily, just got a job as a beat reporter for the newspaper, Damsel in Distress Daily, the official publication of Damseltown. She recently told me that, with all the transactional folks in the new town, a lot of criminal activity was going on. Why, just the other day, one of the new clothing store had a whole bunch of their merchandise robbed. And I bet those boxes LuEllen was bringing in was the stolen loot.Well, the smart thing would have been to call the police. But, you know me. I’m such a Nancy Drew sleuth! I just loved the way she solved all those mysteries! But, then I forgot that: 1. The series was fictional; 2. The bad guys would often capture Nancy & leave her bound & gagged (lucky girl!). Well, I was too engrossed in solving this case to worry about all that. After an hour or so, I quietly crept up to the house.No lights were on, and it seemed no one was home. And the door was open! What luck! I let myself in. And there were those boxes. I carefully opened one of them & sure enough tons of new clothes with tags still on them. I recognized the store logo! I was so overcome with triumph about my discovery that I didn’t notice someone was sneaking behind me.Suddenly, a strong arm wrapped around my waist, pinning my arms to my sides. I tried yelling for help, but a large (and quite beautiful) hand clapped over my mouth. LuEllen & Tanya appeared before me, smiling at my helplessness. I then realized Bailey was the one holding me captive. “Ariel, we are so glad you came back!” She exclaimed. “Well, girls,” said LuEllen, “It looks like we have our first houseguest. Tanya, can you go to the garage & grab that rope. We’ll make Ariel nice & comfy.”Since I was outnumbered 3-1, I thought the best thing to do was cooperate. I relaxed my body and placed my arms & hands flat against my sides. Bailey was delighted at my submissiveness & got a firmer grip on me. It was like a loving bear hug, which I kind of liked. I stayed perfectly still, as she adjusted her hand to completely cover my lower face from my nose down to my chin. Bailey wasn’t smothering me at all. Her hand exerted just the right amount of pressure to where I could comfortably breathe, but at the same time I was totally silenced! And her hand felt sooooo sensual. Very soft & slightly cool with a faint strawberry scent. Bailey whispered softly in my ear, “Enjoying your handgag, sweetheart?” I couldn’t help but make a very content ‘mmmmph.’LuEllen stood in front of me smiling. “You know, Bailey,” she said, “It’s so nice to meet a damsel who enjoys the sensuality of a nice, full handgag.” She then gently stroked my hair. “But now, gorgeous, we have plans to execute. We won’t hurt you, Ariel, if you stay nice & still while we tie you up. Deal?” “Deal!” I replied (well, I really said ‘mmmmmmph!’ since Bailey’s hand still covered my mouth).By then, Tanya came back into the room with a LOT of rope. Bailey removed her hand from my face & loosened her grip. I decided to be a good girl & be cooperative, so I stood perfectly still & crossed my hands behind my back. The girls were delighted with my submissiveness. Bailey started carefully binding my wrists, while LuEllen & Tanya began wrapping rope around my chest. The three then looped an intricate harness around my upper body - “Perfect for what we have in mind for you in just a few minutes,” said LuEllen.They then sat me on the couch. Bailey started tying up my ankles. Tanya in the meantime was measuring out pieces of white medical tape. Hmmmm, I thought, the perfect size to go over my mouth. Looks like I was going to be very quiet really soon!LuEllen sat beside me & put her arm around me. “My goodness, Ariel, you’re such a nosy little girl. But we’re so glad you came back, because now we can play a fun game tonight!” “What kind of game?” I asked with some concern. LuEllen gently stroked my hair. “Oh, we were thinking a nice tie-up game. But wouldn’t it be fun if your pretty cousin, Emily, joined us? We know she’s been investigating our ‘activities.’ I was alarmed. “Oh, no, please don’t involve Emily! You shouldn’t…..mmmmmmph!” LuEllen had reached around me & firmly placed the palm of her hand over my mouth. “There, there, I think we’ve heard enough from you, Ariel. Oh look! Tanya has a nice wide piece of medical tape ready to seal that talkative mouth of yours shut.” LuEllen brought my face close to hers. “Now, Ariel, you’re going to be a good girl & be nice & still while Tanya gags you, aren’t you?” I meekly nodded. LuEllen then sat me up straight & held my head, so Tanya placed the first piece of tape perfectly over my mouth. She took her hands & slowly smoothed my gag, so it would stay on nice & tight. Strangely, I loved the sensation of being tape-gagged. I stayed perfectly still while Tanya carefully applied five more pieces. The whole part of my lower face from my nose to my chin was now covered in tape. The tape was somehow special, not really sticky with a cloth texture of some sort, but it sure kept my big mouth shut!Bailey came up to me & softly ran her fingers down my back. It felt good & I gave her an appreciative smile through my tape gag. She seemed to read my mind. “That’s bondage medical tape, sweetheart. It feels good over your mouth, like getting a nice, long kiss, but it keeps you ultra-quiet.” Hmmmm. I was definitely going to buy some rolls of this wonderful tape. I was willing to bet one of the bondage supply stores recently opening up in Damseltown would have it in stock.Well, back to reality. Looks like LuEllen has an interesting idea & it involves me! “Here, Bailey, help me get Ariel on her tummy.” I very willingly let the girls put me on my tummy. I noticed LuEllen had a lot of extra rope, so I cooperatively raised my legs. I may not know much about bondage, but I know when I’m going to be hogtied! LuEllen was pleased at my subnmissiveness & started knotting me up. She sure knew her ropes, too! As you can see in the very sexy photo above, looks like a certain someone is going to be ultra-secure this evening! As the photo shows, I couldn’t help but look back & admire my tight (but fairly comfortable) bondage.After LuEllen finished hogtying me, she sat at the end of the couch, softly stroking my hair. “There, Ariel,” she said, “I think that should keep you out of trouble tonight. Now, sweetie, let’s talk about that game. I call it ‘Trap.’ Here’s how we’ll play….”Want to know more about LuEllen’s game? Find out what happens to me (and my cousin, Emily) in the exciting second part of this series! Until then, Love & Kisses, Ariel.Author’s Note: Thanks to the good folks at fm Concepts for this sample photo taken from their great site, “Secretaries in Bondage.” I don’t think Ariel did a lot of sets with this producer, but all her entries are high quality. She makes the perfect captured real estate agent. ‘LuEllen,’ shown here hogtying Ariel, is actually model Nevaeh Cook, who also did some nice work with fm Concepts. Great job, girls! We love you both! >�9�� -- source link
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