There’s a big difference between a beating and violence. Violence is a lot more dangerous
There’s a big difference between a beating and violence. Violence is a lot more dangerous - both physically and emotionally. Lashing out quickly with your hands can do a lot of damage very quickly, but angry, aggressive, uncontrolled emotions cut deep as well. Violence can also be profoundly erotic. I’m incredibly hard to provoke - my self control is excellent and if a girl tries to manipulate me into giving a particular response (whether they desire anger, frustration, desire, or even mercy) I’ll often ensure they get something they had not intended. I’ve lost my temper three times in my life, and each time took many hours of build up to get me there. But I do know how to ‘tap into’ anger that I carry with me beneath the surface. Anger is a tool, violence a more powerful version of it, but one to use carefully and, I would hope, never without consideration, clear intent and control. Dom’s don’t beat up girls, in the conventional meaning of the phrase (it’s just as possible for domestic violence and abuse to exist in a D/s relationship as in any other, and is just as abhorrent, perhaps more so as its so unnecessary). But showing the ability to 'lash out’ demonstrates power, prevents complacency and provokes a lot of fear… which, for a certain kind of girl, is a short-cut to a very wet cunt. I think the background threat of violence is one of the things that keeps a sub in check and makes her pay close attention to what she does and what she says (what that close attention means in practical terms or actions varies greatly with the relationship). Most subs, in my experience, enjoy the feeling that if they put a foot wrong there may be an immediate burst of violent retaliation… which I know will make no at all to those outside of D/s… but trust me, that element of danger and the lurking threat keeps things very intense and exciting. -- source link