One of the funniest things about toxic sludge pool masquerading as a comic company, Dynamite Enterta
One of the funniest things about toxic sludge pool masquerading as a comic company, Dynamite Entertainment, continuing to try to flog money out of the license of Red Sonja as a warrior woman in inexplicable bikini armor is the the constant need for the comics to maintain “selective physics”Sonja jumps down for a dramatic fly kick to the neck of her opponent, her hair flies up so we can see the energy of the movement - but her breasts and weird scalemail loincloth sit unmoving because otherwise it’d necessitate a wardrobe malfunction that’d impact their ability to sell on regular, “family friendly” markets.And I must stress, they’ve been flogging the title to the extent I’m starting to worry that their favourite part is killing off the titular character. They’ve experimented with hiring renown feminist writers, veteran comic writers, going back to classic plots, reinventing the character, crossing over with other characters, doing short stories, putting the character in the modern day……damned if I can tell any difference between most of them by looking at the promo covers though.- wincenworks -- source link
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