exec2sec: To say this was humiliating was an understatement. She was a 4th generation Asian American
exec2sec: To say this was humiliating was an understatement. She was a 4th generation Asian American; her family arrived in American in 1890. She held a P.H.D in English Language studies; she’d written her Thesis on Syntax and Semantics of Quantification in English language and was currently studying for her Masters degree in American Literature. She didn’t speak a lick of her ‘native’ language; in fact her family hadn’t spoken it for several generations so thoroughly they’d assimilated into American culture. They simply didn’t identify with her ancestral homes cultural values. She was a good, God fearing, Church going Christian Girl. Her favorite food was a good old fashioned Hamburger and she hated sea food, Sushi in her mind was a particular evil. Hell even her name was English and not like those fresh off the boat immigrants who changed their name because they thought it was too difficult for Americans to pronounce, her name was on her birth certificate. But then the Great Transition had happened and her life was tipped upside down. —- The Great Transition did not happen overnight, rather it was a slow process where rights were removed piece by piece so that the people would grow tolerant to their new situation and wouldn’t resist when the next piece was chipped away. But for some people the transition was MUCH faster, riding a wave of Anti-immigration fever the Government quickly turned it into an Anti-immigrant movement quickly targeting the Asian American community as a group ripe for discrimination. She suddenly found herself at the epicenter of what the Government so callously called a ‘Policy testing ground’. For the Asian Beauty the Transition would be rapid and extreme. ————— Whilst representing just 28% of the American population, Asian Americans represented an astonishing 40.2% of University of California’s 10-flagship universities admissions 47% from Berkeley. It was deemed that Asian Immigrants were ‘stealing’ University places from natural born citizens, an Investigative Journalist who would later be called a hero of American values found an organized system of Bribes to University Admission Boards run by Asian parents determined to ensure their child had a university place. After the report emerged a large number of Immigrants were removed from their University places and deported to their home. ——- The Governments next move was to re-enact the Immigration Act of 1924, also known as the National Origins Act, and Asian Exclusion Act that limited the annual number of immigrants who could be admitted from any country to 2% of the number of people from that country who were already living in the United States in 1890. In 1890 the Asian population was 109,527, the 2% cap reduced immigration to 2190 people a year, down from 400,548 The incoming population now under control it was time to move on to the existing group. As a 4th generation American this policy didn’t directly affect her but it should have been a sign of things to come. —- With a swiftness that caught many by surprise the Asian Exclusion Act of 2014 was pushed through Congress which removed citizenship for all natural born citizens. The Act had met with very limited opposition, having whipped up Anti-Asian Sentiment and threatening other Minority groups with their own version of the Act if they didn’t allow the Asian Act through it had sailed past legislators with ease. The new law had changed her from a 4th Generation American into an illegal immigrant in her own country over night. With a press of a button her Social Security Number was deleted, along with her Birth certificate and Passport. Worse still her Bank Account was be seized under the grounds that it had been created under a false identity and she found herself arrested on the charge of Credit Card and Banking Fraud. —- She was facing serious jail time and had been threatened with deportation to her ‘Country of Origin’ (Bastards I’m American) but had been rejected largely because said Asian country felt she was not their responsibility so she was faced with spending her life in a detainment camp. Then a lawyer came down and offered her a way out, all she had to do was join an education program that on completion would give her full legal rights to live in the United States. What choice did she have? The Asian heritage and Education Program was her only salvation. Sold as a program designed to educate Illegal Asian Americans who were ‘alienated from their culture’ on being a proud Asian. The program aimed to teach them their ‘natural’ language and culture whether they were Chinese, Japanese, Korean or any other Asian group. Being somewhat proud of her Japanese routes she actually looked forward to learning more about her culture. But there was a catch; since all records of their existence had been deleted it was all but impossible to determine an Illegal Asian Americans heritage through paper work so all Illegal Asian Americans were required to go through genetic testing to determine their heritage. Unfortunately for ‘Bright Eyes’ as her Case Handler had dubbed her, her D.N.A testing came up inconclusive, ‘Bright Eyes’ D.N.A showed her family had intermingled with a wide variety of Asiatic nationalities so she was determined to “not have a cultural heritage”. ‘Bright Eyes’ was angry, she was an American and they’d stripped her of that, now they were telling her she wasn’t Japanese it was like they were out to destroy everything that made her, her. In a way they were. ‘Bright Eyes’ Case Handler decided she was not in fact Japanese but Chinese and was enrolled on the ‘The Asian heritage and Education Program’ as an ethnic Han Chinese (92% of the population of Mainland China). From now on she would be utterly immersed in Chinese culture, she’d live, breath, eat and sleep Chinese and she hated every moment of it. On the first day of entering the program her apartment was inspected, deemed to contain too many Western contraband she watched as government thugs took everything she owned and dumped them on a fire. She was escorted to ‘Asian housing’ where she was assured she’d be far more comfortable. In the heart of a newly expanded China town, ‘Bright Eyes’ was assigned what she was certain was meant to be a one bedroom apartment that now housed four women, one of which was elderly and they were expected to care for her. With no belongings and no money ‘Bright Eyes’ naturally questioned how she was supposed to survive, the Assignment Officers informed her she’d be receiving a government allowance for the duration of the course, access to a food stamps package designed for ‘Asian dietary needs’ and her wardrobe would be provided. She was then ordered to strip naked, take her clothes, put them in a trash container and douse them in lighter fluid, then light a match and watch them burn. Fearing for her life she did as she was told. With all of her Western possessions destroyed she had no choice but to live the Chinese life the Government was providing her. —— Exploring her Wardrobe she discovered she only owned Cheongsam’s (stereotypical China dresses) in several colors and styles, which were utterly identical to her housemates and as she would later discover every ‘Chinese’ woman in the district. The Government had decided being Communist scum Chinese had a natural need for uniformity and obedience to the group, Chinese feared looking, acting or thinking different from the others so this limited set of Uniforms was designed to help them adapt to their natural herd mentality. ‘Bright eyes’ of course could buy more clothes, buying Western clothes wasn’t illegal, however their government allowance was so low and taxation on Western Products for Asian people so high she simply couldn’t afford them, ‘Bright eyes’ had to dress Chinese. Of course buying a dress, even a Chinese one represented a large part of her earnings, luckily the Government had thought of this and had kindly heavily subsidized the cost of the raw materials. The Government knew every Chinese woman loved to work back breaking hours in a factory producing garments for pitifully low wages, it of course appealed to their communist herd mentality. With the cut price of Asian cloth a Chinese woman could continue that painstaking labor at home as a hobby, everyone was happy. ——- From now on her diet was purely Chinese, 90% of meals contained rice or noodles and her new favourite drink was Tea. The media she was given access to was Chinese, the majority of which was Chinese dramas and gossip magazines. She maybe a Chinese woman but she was still a woman and needed material suitable for her limited mental abilities. But most of all she was expected to speak Chinese at all times, the problem was ‘Bright eyes’ didn’t speak it. Fortunately the Government was on hand to fix the problem and immediately provided all Illegal Asian Americans deemed to have deficient language competencies with a tutor that aimed to bring them up to skill in their heritage language. ‘Bright eyes’ would be learning Mandarin Chinese, at the same time they’d ‘teach’ her English. When she pointed out that the reason she didn’t speak Chinese was because she had a mastery of English far greater than the average person she was told she needed to learn ‘Asian Engrish’ a highly simplified version of the language riddled with the mispronunciations and grammatical errors a nonnative speaker so regularly made. Through punishment and ‘mental training’ L’s and R’s became mixed up in her mind to the extent that she was unable to speak in anything but the most stereotypically Asian accent. She remembered with great pain the first time she’d been asked to recite ‘Deck the Halls’ only to discover she now sung: “Deck the hars with boughs of horryFa ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra …” ——— One year later ‘Bright eyes’ could barely remember anything of her Western life, she’d even gone as far as to push her English name back into the recesses of her mind locked away as a piece of information with no use. For an entire year she’d gone by ‘Bright eyes’, It was even on her temporary identification papers. Today however was an exciting day. She was about to graduate ‘The Asian heritage and Education Program’ and she was about to get her life back. All she had to do was pass a series of tests and she’d be granted legal status to live in America, she’d be able to finish her qualifications and even find a job. ‘Bright eyes’ failed every single test. Her English speaking, listening, writing and reading was deemed of insufficient level for her to live comfortably as an American citizen Similarly her math ability was also at a subpar level (in reality her math ability was fine, rather the test had been written in highly complex English, her ability of which to understand had been destroyed). Even her understanding of American popular culture was at such a low level it was deemed she’d be unable to relate non-Asians on anything of any kind of significance. ——- ‘Bright eyes’ was now classed as a Non-Naturalized Chinese Permanent Resident. Meaning whilst she was allowed to live and work within the United States she was only allowed to work in Chinese Professions. The only employers open to her were: dry cleaners, nail salons, massage parlours, Chinese restaurants, Garment factories, Chinese clothing stores and Prostitution (which had been leagalized for Asian women). With what she soon discovered was her highly limited Mandarin Chinese she automatically lost out on employment to natural speakers. Worse the community virtually rejected her because whilst the Government saw her as Chinese the community saw her as an Asian stereotype created to reinforce the arguments that had led to their new loss of freedom. Of course she tried to deny it but it was hard to argue when her name was Sum Yung Ho, it had been given to her when she’d been awarded her new identity card, Social Security Number and Birth Certificate. She’d tried to argue with the name, but between her inability to speak either language, Chinese or English at more than a basic level and the fact they promised to charge her $5000 to change it she was stuck with the new identity. ____ Everything about it had been created to be both humiliating and a constant reminder that her old life was gone. Despite being 26 years old (12.26.89) her Birth Certificate listed her as 1 years old (1.1.15) and claimed she was born in Qinghai Province, China (actually born Crescent City, California). By this point she was struggling to tell the difference between reality and their lies, maybe she really was born Xining city, maybe she really did come to America in the hopes of a new life only to find herself completely inferior to those White Skinned Natives. Maybe she really was 1 years old. It didn’t matter as a Non-Naturalized Chinese Permanent Resident Sum had very few legal rights left, because she was now for all intents a purposes an imigrant living and working in a foreign country she was no longer allowed to vote in elections, in fact she was banned from taking part in any kind of political activities at all. Doing so could have her Work Visa revoked meaning she’d be deported to her ‘country of Origin’, the problem was China didn’t want her, they legally classed as an American citizen so Sum would likely end up trapped in a legal grey area where the Americans didn’t want her but no one would take her. And that meant holding her in a detainment camp until her legal status could be sorted, since neither side was particularly interested in backing down and not really caring about those unlucky women (oddly a dispraptionate amount of women failed The Asian heritage and Education Program’ with men largely passing) Sum would likely die in the detainment camp which apparently had a lot more in common with a badly run jail. Sum feared that fate more than anything. So she worked hard kept, quite and obeyed. —- Sum’s option were further limited by the fact she had a criminal record, because her pre transition identiy had been obtained ‘illegal’ it was dertmined none of her qualifications were valid. According to Sum’s new records she hadn’t even attended Pre-kindergarten, the average 5 year old had more education than she did. Worse as she’d defrauded countless people including the US Goverment she was now expected to repay her Student Loans in their entirety, $368,000 for her two Bachelors Degrees, $152,000 for her Masters Degrees and $181,500 for her P.H.D. Her Debt would have been $701,500 but it was decided as she was a foreign national illegally posing as an American Citizen it was only right that she should pay the full international fee’s for her education that was no longer valid. Her debt instantly doubled to $1,403,000, which was constantly earning interest. $1.5 million dollars in debt but earning so little she could barely make the interest let alone pay her debt down. To make her situation that much more miserable Sum was no longer entitled to any kind of Goverment Assistance, if Sum didn’t work she didn’t eat. Sum was trapped, now all she could do was be the best whore she could be. Devotional Training: A Cautionary Tale. -- source link
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