craftastrophies:craftastrophies:lucy liu as captaain america lucy liu as loki lucy liu as superman
craftastrophies:craftastrophies:lucy liu as captaain america lucy liu as loki lucy liu as superman lucy liu as doctor mcdreamy lucy liu as castiel lucy liu as jason bourne YES PLEASE#like fuck yeah obviously but at the same time #maybe Lucy liu also as something that wasn’t originally a white male power fantasy? #like I get that putting a WOC in those roles subverts things but those shouldn’t be the best and only roles we want WOC to take over #like what about Lucy liu as wonder woman or catwoman or I dunno #I can’t really pin down why the sameness of all those suggestions bothers me but #it does #maybe I’m just blowing smoke idk (22drunkb)YES THIS. I usually don’t reblog ‘lucy lui as everything ever!’ things because… there are other PoC? It’s not just Idris Elba and Gina Torres and Lucy Liu.The reason I reblogged this one is because those are the kinds of characters that I generally find pretty boring because, even when they are about otherness they are played as nuetral. Leaving aside the specific characters listed above, I like… am really BORED.What I REALLY want is for there to be more stories about women, and women of colour as themselves, being themselves. Since the media is obsessed with white dudes, however, I’ll take anything I can that complicated that narrative. Besides which I love genderbending characters because not only does it complicate what gender means (what part of them is them and what part dictated by gender and gender perception) it means that writers have to really THINK about the character, instead of just shitting out another cliche.Also, I am definitely pro women’s roles being cast with WoC. But I would RATHER expand the number of women on the screen. I don’t (just!) want to change the makeup of the slice of pie. I want a bigger slice. Like yes, Lucy Lui as Catwoman, omg!!! But Lucy Lui as Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises is still just as boring because Catwoman - a much more interesting character (as played, with Nolan’s take on Batman) with 100% less manpain - still barely gets a look in. Anne Hathaway as Catwoman and Lucy Lui as Batman? SHIT YES.I mean clearly that is not going to happen, but neither is a proper catwoman movie so…okay lemme first say up front also that this applies to other isms than just race and gender (i.e. we should be having these conversations about disabled and queer and neurodiverse characters/actors) because i feel like i’ve been ignoring those axes as well.yes to everything you said and even as i was writing those tags i was like “but why am i limiting myself to superheroes????” but i couldn’t think of any examples right away and i dunno i gave up. and i am totally with you on expanding the pie, absolutely. but like it still bothers me that the list of characters that pop to mind–and this happens to me too, i’m not like mad at the op (ot? original tagger? whatever)–is this list of white male power fantasies, because the goals shouldn’t be for women and/or women of color to get to occupy the oppressive/supremacist roles that white male superheroes do. like, women getting into the boardroom is great, but it doesn’t do shit for the ones who don’t make it there and it doesn’t change much of anything about the system as a whole because then we just become the oppressors.i don’t want the best idea for lucy liu–or by extension for WOC casting–to be the white male power fantasy recast. i am NOT saying that there isn’t value in that as well–that it’s not worthwhile having stories where WOC and MOC and white women are supremely powerful over and above white men (no thank you to white women supremely powerful over MOC tho), because it totally is worthwhile–but like just…i don’t want the ideal world of “lucy liu takes over everything” to be “lucy liu is admitted to the ubermensch club,” you know?OH AND the tokenism thing: YES. IT HAS BEEN DRIVING ME NUTS FOR TWO YEARS NOW. IDRIS ELBA IS NOT THE ONLY BLACK MALE ACTOR IN EXISTENCE. TRY HARDER. i feel like people just decide to cast idris elba (who is wonderful seriously it’s nothing against him) as everything, especially when racebending casting, and then feel good about themselves because look i chose a black actor when i didn’t have to. (it’s not just tumblr, i see it, like…everywhere.) same for gina torres and for lucy liu, as you said. like cool that you’re not defaulting to whiteness in your fancasting but have you considered that there are other actors of color out there some of whom might even be better suited to whatever role it is than the one person of this ethnicity whose name you can think of off the top of your head? why can you only think of one name off the top of your head? -- source link
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