dizzywhims: The Sour Legacy ChallengeDid I make a legacy challenge based on Olivia Rodrigo’s S
dizzywhims: The Sour Legacy ChallengeDid I make a legacy challenge based on Olivia Rodrigo’s Sour? Yes, I did.Am I going to be posting my gameplay of it on my blog? Yes I am.The overall guidelines are pretty loose here. Obviously there’s a lot to accomplish each generation, but I tried to make it so there is plenty of room for freedom too. And if you’re not feeling an aspiration or have a career you’ve been meaning to try - go ahead and switch it up if you think it makes sense! Just try to pick something that isn’t already in the challenge.Go as wild as you desire with mods and lifespans and the like. Feel free to make this your own (just don’t repost this as your own, yah feel?).If you decide to play it yourself, tag me & hashtag #sourlegacychallenge, so I can see other people enjoy it too.And if you have any questions, feedback or wcif’s, don’t hesitate to reach out! Also hi I’m new here. Nice to meetcha.xoxo, dizzywhims -- source link