Title: Ore no Kaikata Shikarikata ⚣ How to Keep Me, & How to Scold Me ⚣ 俺の飼い方叱り方Chapter: 2Artist
Title: Ore no Kaikata Shikarikata ⚣ How to Keep Me, & How to Scold Me ⚣ 俺の飼い方叱り方Chapter: 2Artist: Kasai ChiakiRating: R18Language: EnglishDownload: HereSummary: “Will you fuck me?” College student Ten is taken by surprise when his seemingly serious but gorgeous classmate, Hachimaki Waka, suddenly asks him this question out of nowhere. Pretty much everyone knows I’m gay, but that doesn’t mean that any guy will do. Can I really sleep with a guy who doesn’t give a fuck about love? What’s more, I’m a “neko”! The day after Ten tells him that, Waka comes back to Ten and announces, “I’m willing to take it slow,” and starts bombarding Ten with gifts. First it’s tuna snacks, then canned sardines, then a catnip alcohol. Wait a minute… Does he really think I’m a cat?! Sorry for being so late on a release. Real shit is happening IRL. I’ll explain when I have a bit more time!! This chapter is super damn hot so please thank the staff and enjoy!! -- source link
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