boramikis: - Can you move your panties a little mama? - Why? It’s early for a bedtime
boramikis: - Can you move your panties a little mama? - Why? It’s early for a bedtime kiss! - I’ll just take a picture for a school project! - I don’t think your teacher told you to take a picture of your mother’s pussy did he? - No, he said the assignment was to take pictures of a bush! - Hehe, you silly boy. Ok, take the picture, but make sure your dad does not see it! - No, I’ll put it in my drawer along with the other pictures I jerk off to! - Good boy! Listen, I’ve noticed that the pictures you have in your drawer is starting to get a little sticky. Hurry out and take this picture of the bush, and if you are ready for bed before dad gets home, you can take your camera with you when I’ll put you in bed and we can take some new pictures and replace them! - Yay! Can we take a picture of when I park my car in your garage too? - We’ll see, hurry up! -- source link