fortheloveofasub: OUR TIME A Long-Distance Couples’ FIrst Foray Into D/s - Part VIII If You Mi
fortheloveofasub: OUR TIME A Long-Distance Couples’ FIrst Foray Into D/s - Part VIII If You Missed Part VII - It Is Available Here Realizing that I have pushed you pretty hard and far, I decide to give you a little tender time; show you some of the genuine love and affection I feel for you while still keeping your arousal at its present plateau. I sit beside you on the bed and smooth some massage oil over your heated skin. Starting with your belly, I slowly circle my hands around the softness there, gradually working outward applying ever more oil as I go. As I do this you begin to emit small cooing sounds and sighs giving me the signal that you are still excited by my touch. I do not want you getting too relaxed so my massage turns its attention to your breasts. I remove the nipple nooses and the sudden rush of blood back into your engorged nipples gives you a jolt of intense feeling; almost pain. But I counteract this by continuing to massage your breasts and nipples and gradually the discomfort turns to pleasure. “Mmmmmmm,” escapes your lips. As I gaze over your outstretch body that feeling of love and contentment washes over me yet again. I am so in love with you. You are such a strong woman in so many ways and the fact that you so willingly and freely give yourself over to me in love, and in this instance submission, fills me with awe. I tenderly rub you all over your soft smooth skin enjoying the feel of you beneath my hands. The creaminess of your skin combines with the gentle curves of your form to make what is for me the most stirring of sights. If the shared space between us is the temple that houses our love, surely your body is the altar at which I pray. I love you so very much; you stir my soul. Turning my attention to your legs, I smooth the lavender scented oil into your upper legs and run my hands up and down the silky wetness of your inner thighs. This is clearly getting your attention and I can feel your heat rising once again. With both hands I massage the clefts at the very top of your inner thighs brushing against your swollen vulva. You spread your legs further in response and your hips begin to gyrate almost imperceptibly. I keep up the slow tender strokes grazing your outer lips and you raise your hips to meet my hands with each stroke. The pace of your breathing is rising again so it is time for me to get on with the work at hand. Rolling away from you and off the bed I dig once again into my suitcase in search of another of my new acquisitions. From behind the blindfold you hear me rummaging around at the foot of the bed followed by the distinct clinking of metal on metal. You cock your head to one side as though deep in inquisitive thought. “What can be coming next,” you wonder to yourself. The sound of metal disturbs you a little, after all, you had told me in no uncertain terms me that cloth and possibly leather were exciting but that metal just sent all the wrong messages; too rough, too kinky, too cold and violent looking. The clinking and clacking over; you wonder what comes next. Standing at the foot of the bed I gaze over your outstretch body one last time; such a stirring and attractive sight. Leaning over the bed I reach for one of your already outstretched legs. Grasping your cuffed ankle I move your feet farther apart. Repeating the same with the other leg you compliantly permit me to spread your legs widely apart. My eyes roam up your long shapely legs to the place where they meet. I feel the blood flowing into my cock once again at the sight. Lying there on your back, contained within the dark insular world of the blindfold, you feel vulnerable and exposed as your legs are spread apart. Yet, you know you are safe here with me and somehow through all of the intense sensations of the afternoon and the lingering frustration of not being allowed to climax, you still feel a sense of peace and contentment. This is where you most want to be at this moment. Right here in this time and this space there is no outside world other than the emotional space we share and the physical sensations that have taken over you body. You trust, I trust, and in that space rests our comfort with one another. Ever so quietly and carefully so as not to alert you to what I am doing I reach for the snaffle hook on one of your ankle cuffs and attach it to the metal eye ring of my new surprise. You feel nothing new about it as you lay there in relaxed wonder. Ever so gently I attach the hook of your other ankle cuff to yet another eye of the surprise. You lay still in anticipation. Kneeling one last time beside you I run my hands gently over your skin reigniting the nerves and regaining your attention and arousal. I briefly toy with your nipples and massage your outer lips bringing forth a moan of approval deep within you. You hear and feel me get up and return to the foot of the bed. Suddenly you sense your legs being raised by the ankle straps, gradually lifted higher and higher. Then your legs are pressed back toward your chest, knees bent. The bar that I have locked between your ankles keeps your legs well spread, your feet nearly three feet apart. As I lift the spreader bar, raising your legs, I also press up toward you, bending your knees and pressing the bar toward your head. As your knees come to rest on either side of your chest in a classic missionary position I hold them there, pressing against the spreader with my chest, thus freeing my hands momentarily. You gasp with a little surprise at your new exposure and vulnerability, testing the strength and effect of the spreader bar. Reaching down, I grasp your right arm and bring it up to the corresponding end of the spreader, clasping your right wrist cuff to your right ankle cuff. Your reaction to this far more advanced state of bondage is to protest a little while tugging at the bonds. Quickly I grab your left wrist and shackle it to your left ankle cuff. Releasing my weight from the spreader bar, I sit back and take in my handiwork. The effect is mesmerizing. Both your feet and your hands are fully restrained high in the air with your legs spread back and wide apart. Normally when you are in this missionary-like position I am on top and deep within you so I do not get the full visual effect as a rule. The sight of you trussed up like this with your ass spread out before me, vulnerable and fully available to my ministrations, is an incredible high for me. I gaze upon you transfixed as you wriggle about testing your mobility and the strength of the bonds. In this position even your inner lips are well parted, fully exposing the opening of your delicious glistening womanhood. As you tug and pull at the cuffs guttural grunts and groans come from deep within you until finally you settle back and accept your new trussed up position. I am so deeply aroused by the sight of you this way, and moreover I am awed by the fact that such a strong, proud, and independent woman would give herself trustingly over to me in this way. The fact that it is the woman I love, the center of my universe, makes it all the more arousing and sexy. Yet there is something in it for you too I recognize. This fantasy we are playing out is the direct result of a consensual agreement engineered for our mutual pleasure and satisfaction. The surprises come only in the details and order of events but all fall within the bounds of carefully agreed upon limits. All the same, this has really got my blood pumping with arousal. My erection springs to full attention, harder than it has all afternoon both at the sight before me, and the knowledge of what is coming next. We are about to embark on uncharted waters for both of us and it turns me on to no end. Leaning forward, I begin to gently run my hands over the delightfully soft skin of the backs and insides of your thighs open wide before me. With your legs pulled up tight nearly to your shoulders the skin of your thighs and ass is pulled smooth and tight. Lightly I rub with both hands up and down, inside and out, teasing lower and closer to your sex with each pass. Continuing down over your ass cheeks so tightly splayed out before me; now and then I allow my fingertips to graze across your stretched puckered ass hole. With each touch there you give a little gasp and your legs tense ever so slightly. This is already providing true reward for my efforts as I enjoy your subtle positive responses to my actions. Spurred on, I continue smoothing your skin this way and that brushing over your outstretched vulva now and again, the soft silky skin between your inner and outer lips looking so shiny and inviting. Back and forth, up and down I rub your legs, thighs and ass, a subtle touch here, a seemingly errant graze to your ass and pussy lips there. Your breathing is deepening; it’s pace increasing noticeably as you sink into the pleasing sensations of my touch. Cupping my entire right hand over your wantonly exposed sex and so holding you, I reach for the Astroglide and pour a generous amount directly above your puckered hole. You jump with a start at the contrast between my hot hand spread full across your womanhood and the cold sensation of the lubricating gel as it dribbles on your anus. Your upturned ass hole puckers even tighter in response to the cold, almost winking at me. This brings a smile to my face knowing full well what lies ahead for this piece of your anatomy. Still holding the flat of my hand across your wide-open pussy, pressing firmly and exchanging our heat there, I begin to massage the muscles around your anus with my other thumb, being sure not to come in direct contact with your pucker. Around and around my thumb glides across the tender skin that surrounds your ass hole. With each circle I ever so slightly increase the pressure, round and round. This is apparently beginning to get your attention as I can feel your breathing deepen and small moans of pleasure are my reward. God I love that! Removing my palm from your hot pussy I pour more gel on your ass and begin deeply massaging the tightly constricted muscles with both thumbs pressing firmly in a deep tissue sort of way. Working up and down and side-to-side, the tension begins to ease as your muscles relax more and more. As they do I start passing the pad of my thumbs directly over your tight hole now and then, letting you adjust to the feeling of being touched there while still working your muscles into a relaxed state. Bringing my fingers into the mix I keep up the massage using all ten digits ever so slightly slipping a fingertip now and then into the gradually relaxing opening. One after another, my fingers glide in and out of your steaming hot ass, deeper and deeper with each penetration. The massage gradually transforms from purely external to a mix of deep penetrating massage and gently stretching your sphincter from side to side with my fingers as they plunge inside of you. Your hips begin a gentle back and forth motion as you respond favorably to the attention I am giving your ass. Your moans are also becoming correspondingly more audible as I gently probe, stretch, and massage you inside and out. We have talked often of your desires in this regard and have played around here and there with fingers, toys, and vibrators, but never have I given your ass this level of concerted attention. You certainly seem to be warming to the idea as I work ever deeper stretching your muscles ever wider. By now you are rolling your hips and the sight of your most forbidden regions so wantonly spread before me really begins to drive me wild. Gazing down into your wide-open pussy I am transfixed by the glimmer of moisture that is accumulating there. The shiny pink of your inner lips as they spread wide before me is more than I can bear. Even though it is not in my plan I cannot help but bend over and trace the outline of your pussy with my tongue all the while keeping up my efforts on your ass. The effect on you is electric! You buck to the heat of my tongue pulling your widely spread legs back even farther with your bound wrists and arms. I am losing my focus but am so enjoying your response in this moment. It is like playing an instrument; working over it with precision and patience to elicit just the right sound. You are my instrument and I am so enjoying the music emanating from deep within you and escaping from your mouth. Working my index finger more deeply into your ass with each probe, I begin passing the full flat of my tongue over your moist smooth lips tasting the power of your sex and sensing the mounting tension there. You moan deeply and rock your hips back and forth in response. This eggs me on more and I lap with enthusiasm from bottom to top up each side of your shamelessly exposed pussy. Your excitement rises with each pass of my tongue and probe of my finger and you are really beginning to climb the ladder toward climax. “Oh yessssss,” you moan, “Yes, more.” Aroused by your response I pick up the pace, flicking now and then with the tip of my tongue on your clit. This causes you instantly to buck and grunt as your engorged and deprived clit finally gets a little long-deserved attention. “Oh God, don’t stop.” So I transfer more of my attention from your lips to your clit. You are pumping your legs back and forth against the restraints and rolling your hips, desperately trying to draw me in deeper and harder. I now begin flicking your clit in earnest, bottom to top, drawing the hood back from its head with each pass. The direct stimulation of my tongue driving you mad with desire, ascending higher and higher. I break away from you and sit up, staring down at your wet hot sex rolling in front of me, your breath coming in gasps once again. After one final thrust of my finger to its full depth in your ass, I remove it entirely and leave you there, momentarily writhing in your bonds searching for more attention. God I love that sight! You are so turned on and so vulnerably spread before me trussed up and helpless. I want to take you right there and then, but not yet. “Patience,” I say silently to myself. Continued In Part IX Text © For The Love of a Submissive, 2012 -- source link
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