edhelernil:It’s been roughly three and a half days since I made the very tough decision to remake th
edhelernil:It’s been roughly three and a half days since I made the very tough decision to remake this blog, and it has not been without reward.I’m honestly astonished by the sheer number of people who followed after me — it was rather unexpected, but I cannot be happier, and this post is a thank you for everyone who has decided to stick it through with me. And although it is impossible for me to include everyone on here, even if your name is not on the list, I should hope you know by now I value you just as much as anyone who is on the list. After all; this blog couldn’t get very far without it’s contributors, now could it? a very special thank you;goes to Peter Hollens, who may or may not see this post, but considering he has managed to find my old blog, my new one, and my personal and has taken the time to talk to me, I really appreciate it. On the off chance he does see this, he knows his music is a big part of what gives this blog it’s magic, and I don’t foresee that changing anytime soon. There is beauty and calmness in his voice like no other and I will never regret the day I accidentally stumbled upon his music. It changed my life, and for that he has my deepest gratitude as a fan. and those whom make my life brighter;scarredbyxhellfire | secrxtgavin | hasty-riser | clawsofwit | lutecea | immortalcorrupter | viewtokill | weakx | sanmelhekh / cleverindeed | ringmasterofmordor | wisebyexperience | bowofthegaladhrim | xwhatsayyou | eomeer | xstarkesque | shieldcap | xviagens | assistantdarcy | purebloodweaslxy | iraetruinum | schurked | dividia | adventuriism | serpxns | serpentwithin | nasareject | hardertotame | ripperisms | thegreatstrongbow | tosquinha | sonofapie | ferociter | ferrumheros | callmeselina | requxem | stxnson | starxdouche | starvingfartist | prideofthemountain | cullxn | ulmoofthevalar | exolviire | parasiitic | degeneris | descendantofgirion | pulledfromhell | ignatiius | digital-missiles | khxzdul | saexva | kirikhaz | astriferouus | dxplicity | astrifer-ous | lionwithin | zirikhab | mandyisms | txuriel | tsenban | maethor-od-eryn-lasgalen | theshipwright | roweisms | xglorfindel | jasutisu | cxlamitas | qingbang | untamedprince | xntegra | calis-vol | cannibalisticwhistler | cambixn | viipxr | kuraudoh | viliofdurinsfolk | viridiorca | regnumverus | tenebrouscrown | shadowofthelonglake | sonofthearrow | sonofesgaroth | high-commander | classicaltricks | sparkstrikes | kunshu | xxdecollari | jarxth | ruinofhumanity | rettosei | rxjah | edrord | xyoungwolf | feanors-daughter | nonexistentia | sawakool | holbytia | jonathon-jack | originalheir | qxill | quilliis | vigoare | agxntcoulson | quicktoanger | queenxcersei | maimedlion | theyoungsir | bookpiles | bindikh | daughterofforgottenkings | curvothefavoredson | cuarrto | xstupendous | stetsxn | dasrosenschwert | onepunchkill | dontscratchthewalls | heartofrevolutions | constantquibbling | hawkexe | gladiu | soldatzimy | smokinshield | theoinos | bloodclovengold | relicuums | scottiish | stillcas | vingthor | h-e-i-k-a | maestrx | tsxrina | oncedeadliesmith | agnelino | styxgian | firebxrd | theweaselette | xtelumendil | vaenxel | xeightyhg | fullmetalalchimista | beexescort | malevolentqueen | malevolentmonarch | felinisms | scionofxel | pxntmercy | suuima | pr0geny | hillsidegravestone | despxcable | rhomru -- source link