omgcypressgoatart:Bill and Brenda, and their newly purchased young slave, Tracy – Chapter 2They tea
omgcypressgoatart:Bill and Brenda, and their newly purchased young slave, Tracy – Chapter 2They teach her how to deep throat.Brenda groaned out loud as she sat on the edge the bed,bracing herself with one arm behind her. Her other arm reached out in front of her, itshand wrapped around Tracy’s ponytail and driving the young woman’s face aroundBrenda’s soaked sex. “Come on slut, lick it good. Get that tongue in there andshow your owner you can be a good little lezzie.”Tracy had her mouth wide open now and her tongue penetratingBrenda’s vagina. Her face was smeared in the tangy juices of Brenda’s pussy. Awrenching of her ponytail moved her mouth dead over Benda’s clit. Sucking andlicking away as if her life depended on it, which in some way it did, Tracyattacked Brenda’s swollen clit. The pulling and jerking of her hair by Brenda’sstrong grip letting her know that she had just succeeded in getting off hersadistic mistress.“Fuck yes, FUCK YYYEESSS, You good little slave slut!” Yelled and moaned out Brenda, as she collapsedback on the bed. Tracy obediently knelt there at the end of the bed, on allfours. Her hands and ankles locked in thick metal cuffs. Her wrist cuffs ropedto her newly and unwillingly acquired nipple rings that hung from her steelbelted tits.She watched as Brenda, her mistress gasped and caught herbreath and finally rose back up into a sitting position on the bed. Brenda wassmiling and looking over at her husband Bill. He had just watched the entire thing from the bedroom doorway. “Well she is fucking good at that now!” he laughed, as hewalked over to Tracy and attached a thick rope leash to her solid heavy metalcollar.Tracy kept her eyes cast down, knowing that she was notallowed to look at either of her owners unless told too. A fact she learned alltoo quickly on her first day after being purchased online from some whiteslavesyndicate. Her days as a carefree college student now long gone, instead shewas now being held captive as the fuck toy, pain slave of a sadistic husbandand wife couple.…..Tracy was still on her hands and knees trying to dragherself along the floor. First she would skoot her cuffed and chained wrists abit forward, the nipple rings getting an uncomfortable tug from the attachedropes. Then she would lift her bum and move her weight forward to shuffle her stocking clad knees and rigidly cuffed ankles forward. The rigid metal restraints bolted around her ankles barely left two inches between her feet. Tracy could feel the bow topped thigh high stockings, the only clothing her mistress let her wear, beginning to rip at the knees as she struggled awkwardly along.Giving her leash another yank, Bill barked, ”Come on cunt, Iain’t got all day, hurry up and shuffle that cute ass along. You don’t want tomake your master mad now, do you?” Tracy with her eyes still cast down, replied meekly asimple, “No Sir.” It was the first set of audible sounds, that resembled words,Tracy had been able to make in over four days. Normally gagged or screamingfrom some agonizing punishment, Tracy’s voice didn’t even seem be familiar toher own ears.As she shunted along like a captured animal, she shudderedas they entered the ‘training room’. ‘That was new, she thought, and she didn’tlike the look of it. It was a thick wooden post mounted to the floor with aterrifyingly long dildo affixed to its side and another stout one to it’s top.A small digital timer attached at the top had a handwritten tag pinned above it,‘Time Remaining’. Tracy glanced up at her master with a frightened grimace onher face and then terrifyingly realized her error.Bill grinned as he caught sight of Tracy’s anxious look,“What are you looking at cunt? You not remembering your proper place as my littleslave bitch!” He yanked hard on her leash, causing Tracy to lurch forward, herwrist chains clanging on the hard floor. A whimpering “ I am sorry sir…so sorry”,trembled out of Tracy’s mouth.Pointing at the post and dildo, he muttered, “Get your sorryfuckin ass over there slut. Time to get you used to swallowing cock. You’vebeen a little slow on taking my cock in deep and keeping it in there. So me andthe missus have built you this great little training device. A few hours a dayon this should have you swallowing cock like a champion slave slut.”Swatting Tracy’s exposed behind with his large hand, he thenknelt and grabbed her ponytail. Gripping it firmly he forced her face to withinmillimeters of the rubber cock sticking straight out. “Come on slave put thoselips around it and suck it in. Pretend it’s you master’s giant cock and youcan’t wait to suck it dry.”Tracy grimaced and then opened her mouth in a surprisescream as he yanked at the rope attached to her left nipple ring. Her yelp ofpain quickly snuffed out by having her head driven forward by his strong grip.The rubber shaft drove deep in past her young red lips as he gripped herponytail.Removing the leash, he quickly took the chain links danglingfrom her collar and secured them to the post. Tracy gagged and moaned as therubber cock filled up her mouth and hit the back of her throat. Her eyes goingwide as she watched Bill retie her nipple ring rope to the post also. With theshort chain attached and her nipples secured, Tracy realized she had no way toback off this horrible thing.Continuing to gag and choke around the rubber thing trappedin her mouth and jabbing into her throat, she began to sob. ‘Was this going tobe added to her new life, everyday now?’ she agonizingly fretted. Thediscomfort growing by the second as she tried to get her throat to relax at thelarge intrusion. With drool and spittle now running freely off her lower lip,she watched Bill’s large hand appear above her head and press some buttons onthe timer. “There, all set cunt, now you can watch the time countdown as you learnhow to properly deep throat cock. It will give you something to do, watchingthe minutes tick by until you can suck my cock for real, should be tons of fun,eh?”Tracy’s brow creased in anxious distress as she noticed thetimer’s numbers. Four zero zero on the clock, slowly changed to three fivenine. ‘Four hours!!’ her brain screamed, ‘four hours of this? Gawd no.’ Herarms began to shake below her as the gravity of her situation took hold. Shesuddenly winced and choked on the rubber jolting deeper into her throat, as anotherfirm blow of rough male hand flesh struck her bare ass, sending her shudderingforward.“That’s right you stupid cunt, four hours of sucking andswallowing training. Brenda had wanted it to be two and I demanded three. Butthen you go be all disobedient on me, looking at me when you’re not supposedto. So this part of your punishment for that slave. Remember DON’T FUCKIN LOOKAT US UNTIL TOLD TOO!”Standing up he gave a quick jab with his foot to her leftclamped tit, “We’ll be back in a while slave to see how you’re progressing. Youbetter be able to hold your nose against that post or else!”Closing the sound proof door to the training room, he leftTracy to continually drool, choke, gag and tremble in utter distress. The slowcountdown of the timer being a reminder of how long she had to suffer.…..One Five Zero was what the clock read, as Tracy’s arm’squivered. She was tired and in maximum discomfort. Her nipple rings werehurting and she had suffered through a number of severe choking fits as shefought to find a position of comfort and attempt to swallow as much of therubber dildo as possible. Her goal was to prove she could do it and thenhopefully never suffer this torture again. But it was diabolical, the amount ofrubber cock she had to swallow. Despairingly she just knelt there suffering, watching eachagonizingly long minute slowly disappear. At One Fourty Nine, the door to thetraining room swung open and in walked a giggling Brenda and smiling Bill.Brenda held up a glass of wine and looked down on Tracy.Circling the terrified and trapped girl, Brenda took a swigof wine and then spoke. “Hmmm Bill I see a lot of cock still showing. I thinkyou need to motivate the little cunt some more to swallow it all. What do youhave that we can use to help the stupid little slut along?” Bill stood before the wall of implements that Tracy was onlybeginning to learn their painful uses for. Usually as a form of painfulpreparation for forced anal or vaginal penetration by Bill’s huge cock orBrenda’s ten inch long strap on.“I think this should work rather nicely.” Said Bill as heheld in both hands a long pole with a flexible rubber dildo attached at theend. “Twelve long painful inches of rubber motivation.” He chuckled. Out of the corner of her tearing up eyes, Tracy could seethe implement. Just the sight of it began to make her cringe in fear andwhimper out loud around the dildo jammed in her mouth. Then there was asurprise slap against her face. Blinking back more tears she heard and then followedBrenda’s orders.“Eyes up here my sweet darling slave. Look up at yourMistress.” Brenda was leaning against the wall directly across from Tracy.Looking down lustfully on the poor girl on all fours, Brenda pulled up herskirt to expose her bare shaved pussy to both her grinning husband and cryingcaptive sex slave.“Make her swallow that rubber cock Bill, I want to see hergagging for her life!” Groaned out Brenda as she rocked back against the wall,her right hand digging hard into her own folds of wet sex. Pumping her handharder and harder, she masturbated with glee as she yelled at a terrified andpanicked Tracy. “Eyes up her…Look at me cunt …look at me you sweet youngslut…..LOOK AT ME!” Tracy’s face was contorting into waves of extreme discomfortas Bill slid the pole mounted dildo deep into Tracy’s perched up ass. Tracytried to keep her focus on the woman furiously fucking her own hand. But thesearing pain in her bum and the depth to which the rubber cock was now sinkinginto her throat made her clamp her eyes shut in sheer agony.Thick wet slurpy “UCGK GUCCK AAHHGGGGG” sounds wereemanating from Tracy’s mouth. Her whole body was shuddering and being drivenback and forth by the Bill as he stood behind her and jabbed the pole in andout between her quivering bum cheeks. Every thrust he drove a little deeper andheld it longer. The dildo in Tracy’s mouth disappearing further and further in.Till her nose was just an inch from the wood and her face was starting to turn atinge of blue from lack of air.Tracy’s chained hands were dancing around on the floor asshe fought to move her body. But Bill had driven the twelve inch long rubberphallus completely into her backside. Only the wood of the pole handle nowshowing, as he leaned into it and pushed a gurgling struggling Tracy evenfurther towards the post.Tracy’s vision was blurry from the copious amount of tearsshe was shedding and the lack of oxygen she was getting. Her throat feltblocked and swollen and her ass felt ripped open and stuffed all at the sametime. She wanted to scream and scream, but was stifled completely. Her youngbrain only processing that she was in agonizing pain and about to be ‘snuffed’by this sadistic couple.As her hands jerked about and her legs trembled, she beganto black out. The sounds of a woman yelling out her own orgasm filled Tracy’sears. And then there was a jerking at the back of her head. Someone was yankingback on her pony tail, enough that the dildo slid out of her throat and aircould get back in. The devilish rubber device still filled her mouth and tickledthe back of her throat, but she was able to breath.Gasping and coughing around the slobbery rubber cock, shecould still feel her ass burning and full of whatever her master had sodomisedher with. Soon Tracy was aware of a panting Brenda standing above her head. Shewatched the woman pull three fingers from under her skirt and then drop to oneknee.“Oh sweet, sweet slave, that was so fun to watch. It made meso fucking horny. Look at how wet you made your mistress.” Brenda took her cuntjuice covered fingers and ran them all around Tracy’s face. Whipping them allaround the tear covered cheeks of the shivering young slave.Then cupping both of Tracy’s cheek with her soft femininehands she leaned in and smiled at Tracy. “Now let’s see if you can go that deepagain while we vibrate the shit out of your tender young cunt. Bill give it toher!” Tracy screamed, still able to at this point, as Bill appliedthe large vibrator to her young swollen pussy. The head of the vibrator makingcontact with the pole, still impaling her ravaged ass and painfullyaccentuating the discomfort flooding her lower torso.With her master grinding the high speed vibrator into hertormented sex, Tracy once again began to lose her mind. Her mistress pullinghard on her ponytail with one hand, and the sadistic woman’s fingers back upunder her own skirt with the other. Finger fucking herself inches from Tracy’spained and trapped face. The only wordsTracy clearly made out, before her own insufferable screams and sobbing blockedout everything, were, “Come on Bill honey! drive the little cunt home!”for @canadiangir18Send the little slave girl a nice msg maybe… -- source link
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