More of Luan. My adorable lovely brat.Learn more about my fan apprentice under the cut.Name : LuanGe
More of Luan. My adorable lovely brat.Learn more about my fan apprentice under the cut.Name : LuanGender : Male (He/Him)Sexual/Romantic Orientation : Bisexual/BiromanticAge : 24Birthday : December 5Zodiac sign : SagittariusHeight : 1m81Eye color : Dark blueHair color : TurquoiseStory : Warnings : mentions of teenager and child abuse.Luan is an orphan who grew up in the streets with other children and teenagers he considered like family. They were organizing themselves in order to survive, stealing food and squatting unoccupied places. They were poor and it wasn’t always easy, but they felt lucky to have eachother. One day, when Luan was 14, a rich man called Richard offered them to take place in his house allegedly to protect them. They all agreed to reject his offer, knowing perfectly who this man was and how he was trying to trap them into a brothel (where clients could rent very young whores and bring them in their home for the night).Though Luan decided to pretend he was dumb enough to believe Richard and to go with him. After a long discussion with Lazuli (the oldest child of the orphans, his best friend and the kinda manageress of their “family”) about why he wanted to jump into the lion’s den, Luan left. His plan was to act as the whore Richard wanted him to be so he could study during the night in his clients houses. He knew Richard’s clients were rich and had very big libraries. Having sex with them, as much as it was repulsive to him, was the quickest way to educate himself with the books they stored in places inaccessible otherwise. The point was to accumulate knowledge and to escape every time he could to share what he learned with the other orphans. So the oldest teenagers could start to work without being exploited, instead of stealing. Knowledge is power. The power of earning money without being scammed.His plan worked, at the beginning, but it was difficult. He hated all of the sleep-with-clients part. He started to despise rich people, their gross fantasies and how violent some of them could be when they were drunk. Plus, the nights he was spending studying instead of sleeping were hard. And learning how to read without the help of a teacher was a bloody nightmare. But it worthed the times he was sneaking out to share his knowledge with the kids. At some point, when Luan shared enough of his knowledge about reading, writing and algebra, Lazuli found a job. Thanks to that, she could afford a little place where to live that wasn’t a squat. It was enough to Lazuli who suggested Luan escaped Richard’s brothel once and for all. But Luan wanted to keep going, convinced he could learn more things (like magic) and give them all an entire and true independence.So he continued. He kept whoring himself and studying at night. Little by little, things went faster because some clients got attached to him and started to ask for his presence during days, sometimes weeks, in their house. Some of them let him do as he pleased during the day while they were off to their own business, giving him the occasion to study in broad daylight. One of them even offered him expensive gifts from time to time. Luan traded them in exchange of books or magical items. During this period, he started to sneak out to go to the mascarade to buy more magical items and rare books he couldn’t find in usual shops, to merchants from other cities. That’s how he met Asra. He liked to met him each years, but forbid himself to grow closer to the magician. He had to follow his plan and he was busy enough with it. Plus, he was a little ashamed about the whole I-am-a-whore part.Things started to get out of hand the day he first heard about the red plague and how it was spreading like wildfire. Richard told Luan and the other whores they wouldn’t go out to see their clients anymore. He locked them in the brothel and tightened the security. From that moment, the clients started to come at the brothel after they proved they weren’t sick. To Luan it was the worst new ever : not only couldn’t he study anymore, but even worst, he couldn’t sneak out to see Lazuli and the others. Of course, he tried to escape, but got caught. For that reason, Richard tattooed him the symbol of the brothel on the neck, to make sure if he escaped, anyone would know he was his property.A year pasted. A year during which Luan believed he would lose his sanity. Sure his physical health was protected from the disease, but that was all. He couldn’t study or even just read to free his mind from the thoughts of the orphans maybe dying from the red plague. Worst, he couldn’t escape the thoughts of the lingering touchs of his clients. Slowly, he became violent, against the clients mostly, but sometimes even against the other whores. Him who was a cheering, funny and enthusiastic boy, full of hope and optimism, became suddenly a violent and cynical fury. It bought him only more troubles : each time he disobeyed, each time he was violent, Richard punished him with a cruelty he never thought could exist before.At some point, when he was loosing hope about his friends surviving the red plague or about him getting out of this hell, a rumor started to spread in the brothel. Richard was sick. Surely the red plague. At this moment, Luan was 19 years old, and he realized that if Richard was sick, then maybe he had a chance to escape. He waited. Patiently. And observed. Richard indeed stopped to pay his usual weekly visits in the brothel. And one day, a man went to the place, taking notes while looking at the furnitures. Luan recognized him. He was a notary. The rumor about Richard and the red plague surely was true.Luan started to prepare himself as much as he could to a future (and another) attempt to escape. Surely when Richard would die, the security would lose its grip. And… it lost it, indeed. In fact, it totally disappeared. Luan and the other members of the brothel simply left, one day, after none of Richard’s sbires showed up. The moment Luan was out of the brothel, he ran. He ran without looking back, as fast as he could to the place where Lazuli and the others were when he last saw them. But when he arrived, nobody was there. He searched them, desperately, in the whole city ; he went in all their hideouts, all their stash but found no one. Not even the slightest clue about what happened to them or if they were still alive… nothing.They days after, Luan don’t really remember them. They’re all foggy. He simply wandered here and there, not knowing what to do with himself. Asra told him he found him alone somewhere in the town, underfed and haggard. He brought him back with him and took care of him. Little by little they got close and shared their knowledge about magic and other stuff. Asra helped Luan through his mourning and through his trauma. The day Luan asked Asra to burn the skin of his neck where the tattoo was, Asra complied. They started to get really close and decided to open a shop together. It was a dream coming true for Luan. Even if it was a little too late, at least, he finally had what he had fought for during years. Now, he simply had to recover from what had happened. It would take a long time. But surely, the worst was beside him, wasn’t it ? What could possibly go wrong ? -- source link
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