Things gotten at @scifivalleyconFree Pokemon Omega Ruby and Omega Sapphire poster and free Grand T
Things gotten at @scifivalleycon Free Pokemon Omega Ruby and Omega Sapphire poster and free Grand Theft Auto lanyard Simon Ragbome by @illustratornate The art is beautiful and the story is really fun. 10/10 would recommend. A super cute Intergalctic Army propaganda sticker from @ellierc_arts which I’ve already stuck on my favourite notebook A She- Hulk pin, Halloween pin, and an Alien pin (last two not pictured) from a really nice guy that I don’t know the name of! I didn’t grab a business card. ;-; Gorgeous wire jewelry from Get Wired Designs. I got a really awesome black tiara, a black ring, and a really cool keychain that I intend to put on a necklace chain because it’s that pretty. And we got a dvd of Mr. Hush and a signed poster and headshot from @davidleemadison I think that’s everything. I had a fun time, but I’m not sure I’ll be back next year. The crowd had a lot of normies and being placed in the hallway wasn’t super fun. Lots of people were just rushing by. We did have really great neighbors all around though. I wish I wasn’t so shy and awkward IRL but sometimes it’s just really hard for me to speak to cool people. Sorry if I met you and was an awkward weirdo. :x Participating in Gearbox Union’s Con Quest was a real highlight of our convention and I really hope to see them branch out and do this at EVERY convention. And the people at their booth were a lot of fun too. This is a long post and I bet nobody is reading it! Buttpaste #scifivalleycon2015 #scifivalleycon #swag #conhaul #pokemon #grandtheftauto #gamestop #simonragbone #getwireddesigns #elliecompton #mrhush #davidleemadison #shehulk #gearboxunion #conquest #loot -- source link
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