In a short word absolutely nothing! . Me and my wife Sally have been discussing a number of kinky th
In a short word absolutely nothing! . Me and my wife Sally have been discussing a number of kinky things and she agreed to let me advertise her on a sex website looking for men . She wanted it to be slow as in we go for a drink talk and get comfy and then she said if they were friendly and attractive and clean she said yes she would allow them to have full sex with her as long as they wore a condom. So It was totally apparent that she was more than up for the whole thing.One day I came home from work and she was lay on the couch with a bandage strapped around her foot. I asked her what had happened and she said she had twisted her ankle walking in her heels just outside our house on the way to the shops. A young good looking man suddenly appeared and picked her up off the pavement and asked if she was OK. She obviously couldn’t walk properly so he put her arm around his shoulder and asked where she lived . Then he virtually carried her to our house and sat her on a stool in the kitchen. Now of late i have encouraged my Wife to wear provocative clothes and this day was no exception. She had a short skirt with see through tights on and no panties on. My wife was conscious of him lifting her on to the stool because as soon as he set her down he bent down to take off her shoe and massage her foot and ankle and there was no way that she could avoid him seeing straight up her skirt and being able to see her cute little pussy lips pressed up tightly against her tights.I was excited and eager to learn if he had a good look and she was at pains to point out that his face was in a direct line of vision and yes she noticed his eyes venture to that direction numerous times as he chatted politely and massaged her foot. She said that he even kissed her ankle a few times saying this will make it better. I was glaring at her saying didn’t you realize that he was giving you an obvious sign to flirt with him? She argued that she was in pain at the time. Then she confessed he made her a cup of coffee and was there for over an hour and a half. I asked her was he attractive. She said he was and i asked did she fancy him or in plain words if he answered one of our adverts would she open her legs for him? She said well yes but in those circumstances its obvious what they are there for but he was only helping me inside. I was too nervous to be too forward with him she said. he apparently asked her if she was married and when will your husband be home and he even joked about what the neighbors would think of him in her house all this time with her dressed so sexily. Hang on I said. This guy actually said to you that he thought you were dressed sexily? My wife said well yes he did jokingly she said. Oh My goodness I said he couldn’t have made it any clearer that he wanted to fuck you! She didn’t like me using language like fuck when referring to sex she just liked the word sex for sex. She said she was sorry and she just couldn’t be sure of the signs . She said he seemed like a really nice genuine guy concerned about her hurting her leg and didn’t think he had any ulterior motives in mind. She said he even left her his number to let him know how her leg was getting on. i then jumped to my feet. I said to her “He actually left you his number ?” Yes she said he had left his card on the side next to the kettle. i raced over to the kitchenette where the kettle was and picked up his card. He was a local builder and his mobile number was on the card. So i said to my wife if her were one of the guys who we arranged on line to come and have sex with you then you definitely wouldn’t refuse him knowing him as you do now?. yes she said if he turned up and she got along with him like she did today then if he wanted her too she would open her legs for him. My devious horny mind then started working over time and I hatched a cunning plan. I took my wifes phone from her handbag and sent the builder man a text message which read -THANK YOU FOR RESCUING ME TODAY AND LOOKING AFTER ME. I AM FEELING MUCH BETTER. I THOUGHT YOU WERE VERY ATTRACTIVE AND I NOTICED HOW YOU WERE LOOKING AT ME AND WONDERED WHETHER YOU WERE FREE TOMORROW FOR A COUPLE OF HOURS IN THE AFTERNOON WHILST MY HUSBAND IS AT WORK AND I WILL WEAR SOMETHING THAT I AM SURE YOU WILL LIKE - SALLY-My wife asked me what i was doing with her phone and i told her what i had done. She said why have you done that he was such a nice guy he is going to think I am really cheap now and i am sure he didn’t have any such intention in his mind and now I am going to be so embarrassed if i ever see him again.A few minutes later her phone bleeped alerting us to a new text message. My mouth was dry with eager anticipation. He replied - SALLY GREAT TO HEAR FROM YOU AND I AM GLAD YOU ARE BETTER. I MUST HAVE LOOKED SO STUPID TODAY AS I JUST WASN’T SURE YOU FANCIED ME . I THINK YOU ARE REALLY SEXY AND CANT WAIT TO SEE WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO WEAR FOR ME BUT WOULD BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO SEE YOU IN THOSE TIGHTS AGAIN SHOWING YOUR BEAUTIFUL PUSSY. WHAT TIME SHALL I COME AROUND? MIKE-When i showed her the message she couldn’t believe her eyes . .And I thought he was such a nice guy too she said. He is a nice guy but he also wants to fuck you all afternoon. She tried numerous excuses from having her hair done to promising to visit her friend but I told her she had to reply and tell him to call around at 2pm then there is no rush as i was to be home at 5.30pm giving him plenty of time to make her pussy red raw from fucking her.i had some fun that night with a few more texts including him sending a picture of his erect cock and me taking a few pictures of my wife that she reluctantly posed for in order to get him really horny.The next morning i took charge of her phone so she couldn’t cancel and I told her that she had promised to do this and she was at least getting a guy she already fancied and she wasn’t to refuse him anything even anal sex if he wanted it as we had practiced that over the last few months and she had got used to it now.I came home at 5.30pm and apparently he had only left at 5pm and my wife looked totally exhausted in a wonderful way and i was looking forward to hearing all about everything he did to her bu first I needed to relieve myself of the throbbing cock I had in my pants all day and told my wife to open her legs for a second time while i contributed my cock to her slutty pussy. She later told me that one thing she found curious was that his spunk tasted sweeter than mine on the three occasions he made her swallow all his cum. i didn’t care how sweet he tasted as long as she kept on doing it i was happy. -- source link
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