mmvwriter: Neighbor ConnorIt was the summer after Logan had moved into his quaint home in the suburb
mmvwriter: Neighbor ConnorIt was the summer after Logan had moved into his quaint home in the suburbs and he only had one more neighbor to meet. He noticed that the house only had one truck come in and out and it seemed to be the only resident, which he would catch glimspes of while checking his mail. He would be leaving for work in the early morning so it was rare to get a full view of him, but he had a small list of concrete details about the mystery guy; short dirty blonde hair, chest length beard, and a small pot-belly. Logan assumes he did manual labor since he would come home covered in, usually, mud, but some days clean as a whistle. It had been a couple months before he gathered the courage to give his bare, oak door a knock, the task being a simple greeting.“Alright,” Logan coughed and practiced quietly as he walked up the man’s driveway, “‘Hi, I’m Logan!’ No no no… ‘Hi, names Logan!’” He sighed and stepped up the small concrete stairs and gave the brown door a knock, the heavy thumps of foot stepped getting closer. The tingling of his stomach made him cross his arms and straighten up to compensate for the nervousness, it reaching it peak as the sound of the doorknob being handled traveled through the door. The man that, from a distance, seemed average height was actually a good foot taller than Logan, which was easy to beat since he was only 5’8. He was wearing a black t-shirt with a hole near the bottom of the fabric, it riding up just slightly enough to tease Logan with his hairy belly. He crossed his arms and leaned against the doorway and began with a simple, “Hello?” Logan was in awe at the size of him and had to collect himself before he spoke.“I-I,” he cleared his throat, “My name is Logan,” he pointed to his house, “I’m your neighbor.” He gave a light nod and smirked, “I knew I saw that ‘For Sale’ sign disappear, assumed some kids stole it.” Logan smiled at the joke but was taken aback when a large hand was extended. “The names Connor, nice to meet ya.” Logan’s hand was engulfed in Connor’s bear paw and with a nice shake, he stepped back, “Lived here for a few years, neighborhood ain’t that bad, people don’t bother you much.” “I hope I enjoy it as much as you!” Logan smiles sheepishly.“Heh, yeah, you might get a few looks from the locals, seeing you’re so…” Connor looked him up and down, “city lookin’.” This comment made Logan’s cheeks flush, “What’s that supposed to mean?” Connor smiled, “You look a little new, that’s all.” The smaller man was flustered being teased by the bigger one but both were enjoying it, one for a completely different reason. “Well, I’m gonna leave you be, nice meeting you Connor!” “Nice talking to you too, Logan. Lemme know if you need anything.” He gave a small wave as he walked off, turning back and shutting his door. Connor laid in bed that night and thought about the man he met. “He was kinda cute… a little too short… maybe he’d make a nice living flesh light.” He chuckled to himself, his cock stirring to life, “Dammit… got myself going…” Logan tossed and turned at the conversation, “Oh god… he clearly knew I was gay… I hope he didn’t think i was hitting on him!” He thought for a moment, “Wait… he seemed to be into it… god he’s so hot… maybe he’ll invite me to a football watching party or whatever he does.” It was the middle of summer and the two neighbors had been talking occasionally, mostly to and from their respective mail boxes. Logan would start off friendly until Connor would slip a innocent, but flirtatious, comment and would make Logan retreat into his own home so he could jerk off about it. It was just another day for Connor when he pulled his push mower from his garage to his backyard, his shirt stripped off and letting his sunkissed torso breathe. Logan heard the mower start and walked into his backyard, the grass looking particularly hairy, this giving him an idea. “Hey Connor!” Logan hopped and waved his hands over the wood fence, “Hey!” Connor stopped the mower and walked over, his head looking over the fence, “What’s up dude? Need something?” “I don’t have a mower of my own, so I was wondering if you could mow my yard too.” “How much you gonna pay?” He smirked.“I have…” Logan patted around his pockets, but Connor held up his hand. “Nah, I’m just joking pal, just let me finish mine and I’ll head on over.” Connor’s head disappeared from the fence and the sound of the mower continued, Logan walking back to his back door and into the air conditioned environment. He sat in his office until his doorbell rang, which when he opened his door was Connor, “Is your back gate unlocked?” Logan’s eyes were immediately locked on Connor’s large chest tattoo, which seemed to be a double headed black eagle. “O-Oh, I think so,” Logan attempted to slip under the sweaty arm of Connor and made it past him, walking around his house and fiddled with the gate until it opened. “Here you go!”“Thanks, I’ll get started.” He pushed the dusty, red push mower through the gate and into the backyard, beginning to mow neat lines. Logan walked into his kitchen and watched Connor from the window while he prepared a small ‘thank you’ lunch, which consisted of a medium sized sandwich and a can of soda. It was around half an hour before the sound of the lawn mower died down and being followed by light tapping on the back door. Logan walked up with the full plate in hand and pushed the door open with a hip, the sweaty man standing with his arms on his hips, “This all mine?” Connor smiled and licked his lips. “Oh yeah, I thought since you did my lawn without any issue I might as well pay you back with some food.” Logan smiled sheepishly and handed the white plate to the man along with the can of soda, “I hope it tastes good, it’s just ham and cheese.” Connor smiled and took a bite, nodding as he chewed. He sat down in one of Logan’s small lawn chairs, it seeming to creak under him. Logan sat awkwardly next to him and tried not to stare at him while he ate, Connor cracking the can open with a single finger and took a sip. Connor brushed his hands together to rid of any crumbs and smiled, wiping his mouth, “Thanks for the snack, hit the spot,” he emphasized with a light pat on his belly. Logan smiled and sat with his elbows on his knees, “No problem, least I could do.” He blushed and turned away. Connor made himself comfortable, spreading his legs and putting his arms behind his head. Logan found himself staring at the tattoo on his pec but tried to play it off when Connor caught him. “Like my tattoo? Got it after I left the military,” He smiled with pride, “I was a part of the Eagle Squadron.” Logan leaned in, “Never heard of that before, what did you do?” He was genuinely interested but was also enjoying the talk about Connor’s past. “I was one of the guys who got information from underlings, was pretty good at it!” He beamed as he reminisced about his military career, “There was three of us, the info extractors. Sadly one has been arrested and the other I haven’t hear from, so I just assume I’m the last of the group.” Logan shrugged, “Well, I’m glad I’m able to meet the final member,” he smiled. Connor smirked and chuckled to himself, “Yeah, glad I get to talk about it to a new ear.” He finished off his can with a burp, “Thanks for the grub again.” “No problem, if all I have to do to make you talk is feed you, I’m down!” That statement took a bit of courage from Logan, it rewarding him when Connor responded.“You got me, love filling up the ol’ tank.” He rubbed his potbelly gently, “Maybe I’ll have you over for dinner,” He winked. Logan was overwhelmed by the response, “R-really?” “Well of course, you seem pretty cool, maybe you could meet a couple of my friends. They would love a little guy like you,” Connor smirked and reached out to tussle Logan’s hair. He smiled and turned away, “Really? You trying to hook me up with people?” Connor laughed, “Nah, I just thought since you like staring at me, you’d like to see a couple more options.” Logan almost passed out, his cock standing at full mast. Connor stood up and stretched to tease Logan once more, “See you around lover boy.” He walked off with his mower, waving goodbye to the wound up Logan. A week later Connor ended up on Logan’s doorstep, knocking on his navy blue door. It was abnormally early for the both of them, 9 being the usual time when they see each other. With a yawn, Logan opened his door, “Hello?” He rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Connor stood just in a tank top and old gym shorts, hole riddled throughout the pant legs. “Hey neighbor, I was gonna have a small get together with a friend but he had to cancel, so I have all this food to eat and I was wonder into if you wanted to come over.” Connor smiled. It would have been rude to decline, so Logan agreed. “Great! Come over around dinner, come hungry!” Connor walked back home and Logan closed his door to go back to sleep. Logan wore a simple grey t-shirt and shorts to the small gettogether since the only people were him and Connor. He knocked on the door and was greeted by Connor, who’s poor belly was being held in a tight grasp by a couple sizes too small button up. He seemed to have tried to make himself look more formal, which was odd since he made it out to be casual. “Hey Connor! You look…” Logan’s eyes scanned the strained buttons, “sharp.” Connor smiled and patted his belly, “Dug this up for the occasion, thought it would fit better.” He moves out of the door way and into his living room, “Come on in.” Logan closed the door behind him and looked around the surprisingly clean house, the only dirty thing being Connor’s work boots, which were adjacent to the door. He walked through the small hallway until he reached the dark living room, a few lamps turned on to warmly light up the two leather couches. Logan was honestly impressed with the decorum, Connor’s personality juxtaposed to his taste. “You have yourself a nice little cave,” Logan walked around the couch and sat down next to Connor. “People usually say that,” he smiled, “I like having a nice spot to relax after work, so I keep my living room dark.” Logan nodded, looking around the room. Connor lifted the remote with his wrist and turned on the Tv, the channel last left on was National Geographic. “This work for you?” He gestured towards the Tv. “Oh yeah, I’ll watch it.” Logan smiled. Connor stood up and walked into the kitchen, the sound of a bag being opened. Connor returned with a bag of chips and a can of beer, flopping back down next to Logan. Connor began to munch away at his bag of chips, a few crumbs tumbling from his hands and onto his chest. Logan watched him from his peripherals, smirking at the casual slobbishness. After a few minutes of watching Connor eat, Logan asked, “I know you didn’t invite me over just to watch you eat, right?” Connor turned, “Well, duh. Im just letting you get a look at me in my natural habitat.” He smiled, gesturing to his snacks. Logan mustered the courage and climbed towards him, placing his hand on Connor’s belly, it radiating a comforting warmth. “Well…” Logan blushed, “mind if I help with the eating then?” Connor smiled and sat his arms behind his head, mouth open. Logan began to shovel handfuls of chips into the large mouth of Conner, his fingertips occasionally brushing the wet tongue. The bag was empty and Logan got up to grab another snack, the kitchen stocked to the brim with all sorts of things. He grabbed a bag of powdered donuts and walked back, Connor’s hands rubbing his growling belly.Logan emptied the cabinets into the maw of Connor, which still wasn’t enough to satiate his hunger but was enough to strain the buttons to a breaking point. Logan rubbed every inch of the growling belly, the gentle snoring from Connor sounding like a purr. “Watch this…” He flexed his belly and the button closest to the deep belly button shot off, a deep sigh escaping from Connor. Logan ripped the shirt open and slid his hands over the warm belly, the extra air escaping as burps. “I could eat some more, mind ordering pizza?” The two sat together on the couch, Logan using the gurgling belly as a pillow and Connor barely holding onto consciousness, frequently drifting in and out of sleep, until the doorbell rang. Connor hopped up and opened the door, not bothering to cover up his gut. The delivery boy looked up at him and Connor smiled, “Come on in, Ill grab the money.” The guy apprehensively stepped inside and Connor grabbed the pizza, setting it in the kitchen and walking back with his wallet in his hands. The Delivery Guy stood quietly but was shocked when Connor grabbed him by the neck, his mouth opening wider than any before. The man proved to be no match when Connor’s overpowering throat muscles got a hold of him, Connor not working hard at all to swallow the squirming man. He rubbed his throat to feel the screaming face of the delivery boy, the other hand unbuttoning and pulling off his meals pants, acting almost like a wrapper. The kicking legs were the only thing left of his animated snack, the pale, hairy legs flailing in the air. Connor had a sadistic idea, pressing the feet of the man against the wall and forcing him to shove himself deeper with every struggled kick. Saliva dripped down the ankles and feet until a deep gulp slid the toes past his lips, dooming the poor man in Connor’s overstuffed gut. Connor held his drum-tight belly as it’s new guest was crammed inside among the other half digested food, the man shaped bulge easily seen. He held the extra oxygen in, tormenting his prey by forcing him to remain conscious in his guts. Connor lumbered back into the living room, the size of his gut surprising Logan. “Holy shit!?” Logan watched Connor rub his bouncing belly with a hand, holding the pizza boxes in the other. “I’m still hungry,” Connor sat down and opened a box, “C’mere.” Logan crept over and began to slide pieces of pizza into the seemingly endless void of a stomach that Connor had, not even a full grown man able to satiate his hunger. The pizza boxes were empty in record time, the groaning stomach struggling to digest the mass of food. Connor’s beer gut ballooned out past his knees, his personal feeder, Logan having an idea to seal the deal. “I’ll get you a few more beers to fill up those extra cracks.~” He stood up and came back with 4 cans, Connor chugging them all happily. With the introduction of the liquid, his belly had become a bubbily mess, a burp coming up every minute. This seemed to finished Connor, his bubbling belly making his drift off, leaving Logan to rub the bulging mass. -- source link
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