Crowdfounding & “Presumers” new tools of marketing.“With a connected web, we
Crowdfounding & “Presumers” new tools of marketing.“With a connected web, we all have a chance to be Batmen/women of sorts” Alexis OhanianThis new way to finance collectively. Customers, and people in general are more and more involved into the product : this is set to go mainstream. It is aligned with the Customer made trend. In 2012, 2.7$ billion have been invested in crowdfounding project .This kind of platform such as KissKissBankBank, KickStarter, demoHour, Makeably, My Major Company has known a big growth and the the rise of small-time makers facilitate the participation.Why is this becoming mainstream?First, Joining a community to fund and promote pre launch product is revealing of a big importance for belonging. Part of that success is due to momentum powered by social networks, where people who care about an issue can quickly inspire those in their networks to act, according to Simon Cataldo. A lot of people think it might be that there’s a tradeoff of doing good and doing good business. It has an immediate impact and a grey ability to connect stranger and motivate them to give. It is changing the way that people give,Ans also because customer, want the best and the best way to get what they exactly want is to participate to the creation of the project. Crowdfounding is realy efficient for niche market. Indeed, a successful crowdfunding campaign can provide market validation for small, socially focused businesses that might otherwise encounter skepticism from more traditional funding venues. This way to finance project give opportunities too everybody. With the web everything is going easy and word travels fast, that’s part of what makes crowd funding sush an effective fundraising vehicle. It is essentially used into the cultural activities, crowd funding has been really useful for the Louvre, with the project “Tous Mécène” getting the “The Three Graces” of Lucas Chranach. We see a lot of crowd founding also into the high tech branches, where research and development cost a lot, so being sure people could be interested into that project and finding financial support is necessary.To have a good crowdfounding campaign, a good storytelling is a powerful tool. Focusing on the project and especially on people behind it is really a card to lay down.Time for social business -- source link
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