venusian5:Similarities Between Adjacent SignsAries and Taurus– The 1st and 2nd signs are both headst
venusian5:Similarities Between Adjacent SignsAries and Taurus– The 1st and 2nd signs are both headstrong andself-assured. They don’t much rely on the help of others and they prefer to dothings in their own way. Something that is common for these two is theirunwillingness to take the advice of others. Taurus tends to already have theirown ideas and a plan in mind, whereas Aries is more likely to prefer navigatingsituations based on their instinct.Taurus and Gemini– The 2nd and 3rd signs of the Zodiac are united in theirperceptive abilities. Both are carefully observant of their environment andthey are constantly engaged with it. Taurus is sensually engaged, absorbingthings like tactile and olfactory information with ease. Gemini tends towardmental engagement through sight and sound, they prefer to manipulate andexperiment with their surroundings.Gemini and Cancer– The 3rd and 4th signs tend toward moodiness. They’reboth extremely volatile in their emotional nature and can run the gamut from extremehappiness to extreme depression. For Gemini this volatility can be generatedinternally from the constant inner monologue that they are subject to, and darkthought cycles can take hold rapidly because of that. Cancers are susceptibleto atmospheric influences, and can easily take on the varying energies of theirenvironment.Cancer and Leo – The4th and 5th signs are similar in that they’re bothgenerous and giving of their time and energy despite also being needy ofattention. The luminary signs take in a lot from others, and in turn aredevoted and sincere to the people that they love. Cancer requires a lot ofemotional care and nurturing, while doling it out in spades for those that theyconsider to be their family. Leo requires attention and positive regard whilegiving creativity and warm-heartedness.Leo and Virgo – The5th and 6th signs of the Zodiac possess a heightenedlevel of self-criticism. They are much harder on themselves than any other pairin the Zodiac and constantly belittle and berate themselves internally. Virgocompares themselves to an imaginary ideal and so can never seem to measure upto their own expectations. Leo is extremely prideful and lives in constant fearof being unloved and unappreciated. They constantly wonder about their place inothers’ lives and whether or not they’re welcome.Virgo and Libra –The 6th and 7th signs are prone to idealism, and may attimes have trouble seeing the world for what it actually is, rather than whatit could be. Though they go about pursuing this idealism in different ways, ithas an affect on all of their relationships. Virgo is prone to seeing the waysin which others can improve personally, and they are interested in thepractical elevation of ideas. Libra is prone to seeing the ways in whichsociety can improve, and they are interested in the theoretical elevation ofideas.Libra and Scorpio– The 7th and 8th signs are united in their love of thestudy of psychology and human interaction. Both are observant and careful intheir interactions with others in order to build their knowledge. Libraencourages others to open up and reveal themselves through their subtle mimicryof body language and friendly demeanor. Scorpio probes and questions in orderto reveal others’ internal motivations and desires.Scorpio andSagittarius – The 8th and 9th signs are blunt and matter-of-fact.They have a tendency towards harsher language and not sugar-coating things whenasked about their opinions. Scorpio knows that words can be twisted andmisconstrued, and so seeks to avoid the hassle of clarification. Sagittariusoften speaks without thinking of consequences or the feelings of others.Sagittarius andCapricorn – The 9th and 10th signs are visionary andpossess a good sense of humor. They both have grand goals in life. Sagittariustends to be far-sighted and inherently believes in possibilities, they alsohave a joyful disposition that allows them to laugh in the face of adversity.Capricorn is similarly far-sighted, but with a more practical focus that isgrounded in their own abilities. They possess a sardonic sense of humor thatcomes from a typically pessimistic worldview.Capricorn andAquarius – The 10th and 11th signs are subject toisolation and detachment. These signs are marginalized and often feel like outsiders.Aquarius is ostracized because of their contrary personality and their tendencytoward eccentricity. Capricorn is ostracized because of their independent andsolitary nature, and occasionally their elitist attitudes.Aquarius and Pisces– The 11th and 12th signs are united in their devotion tohumanitarianism. Both signs have a love for humanity and end up playing aspecial role in the rising tide of global culture. Pisces is a sign of spiritualservice and emotional healing, they believe in using their compassionate natureto elevate the lives of the downtrodden. Aquarius is a sign of social serviceand societal healing, they believe in using their intellectual nature toelevate the lives of humanity as a whole.Pisces and Aries– The 12th and 1st signs are both creative and hopeful. Bothsigns can free themselves from bondage and have an innate spirit that allowsthem to transcend adversity. Pisces uses its prismatic emotional quality as aconstant tap for their creative potential. Their connection to greaterspirituality allows them to perceive possibilities outside the realm of thephysical world. Aries uses its experimental nature to boost its creativepotential, and their connection to inner passion and drive allows them toretain buoyancy and maintain belief in themselves. -- source link
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