NaathNaath, known as the Isle of Butterflies, is an island in the Summer Sea off the northwestern co
NaathNaath, known as the Isle of Butterflies, is an island in the Summer Sea off the northwestern coast of Sothoryos.The Naathi have dark skin and golden eyes and are called the Peaceful People, due to their belief in extreme pacifism. They make music rather than war and kill nothing, not even animals, eating only fruit and never flesh. The Naathi believe in one god, the Lord of Harmony, who has existed and will exist for all time. He is the source of creation. Naathi revere butterflies as messengers of the Lord of Harmony, charged with protection of the island and its people. Before the Doom of Valyria, the Naathi were involved in long-distance trade networks stretching from Essos to Westeros. Given that the island’s environment is well-suited for insect life, Naath used to be a major exporter of silk from silkworm caterpillars. The Naathi also exported fine handicrafts and delicate spiced wine, and their shimmering silks could be found in markets throughout the Seven Kingdoms and the Free Cities. However after the doom slaver raids became so frequent that the Naathi abandoned their coasts to take refuge in the hills and forests of the interior. As a result the export trade has largely collapsed in the past four hundred years, and Naathi silks are less and less frequently seen in the world’s major cities. Many slavers have tried to colonise Naath but have succumbed to butterfly fever a disease native to the island. It is believed to be transmitted by the local butterflies, particularly a large black-and-white variety with wings as big as a man’s hand. Even though the Naathi themselves are immune to this sickness, all outsiders who remain too long on Naath fall prey to it. Fever is the first sign of the disease, followed by painful spasms that make the victims seem to be dancing wildly and uncontrollably. In the last stage, those afflicted sweat blood, and their flesh sloughs from their bones. The Ghiscari seize the islands in the times of the Old Empire thrice, and the Valyrians erected a fort of fused dragonstone whose walls survive to the present, a company of Volantene adventurers once built a trade town with timber palisades and slave pens, corsairs of the Basilisk Isles have landed on Naath countless times. All of these invaders fell to the plague. Likewise, when Nymeria’s Rhoynar landed on the island, they too fell to the disease, even though they had been welcome with open arms by the Naathi. However, corsairs long ago learned that the chances of dying of butterfly fever are low as long as they do not remain on the islands for more than a few hours, and lower still if they land at night, as the butterflies that carry it are day creatures. Thus, slavers often attack Naath during the dark of night, forcing the Naathi inland. -- source link
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