fuckyeahilikechicks:glitterbest:feministhistorian:ms-akaya:Fuck you.No, seriously fuck you. It’s one
fuckyeahilikechicks:glitterbest:feministhistorian:ms-akaya:Fuck you.No, seriously fuck you. It’s one thing being against racism, which is and always will be idiotic, because blaming or judging someone by a skin colour is simply WRONG.But it’s completely different thing when you ATTACK people and try to make them feel wrong FOR BEING BORN as you put it nicely ‘white’.No, FUCK YOU. This campaign is not attacking white people. It is pointing out white people do not see racism because they have white privilege. This ad campaign is not to make white people feel guilty but to make them realize they have an unfair advantage for being born white. Society caters to white people. White people control the government, media, schools, etc. Fuck you, if you think that me being born with a certain skin colour makes me privileged.Being born white does give you privilege. We live in a white supremacist society that discriminates against people based on their skin color. Fuck you, if you think that my life is easier, because of it.Being born white does give you advantages over PoC. While you may be discriminated against based on class, gender, sexuality, etc. you are not discriminated against for being white. Fuck you, if you think you’re being against racism when you’re clearly judging me not as a human being, but by MY SKIN COLOUR that happens to be white/fair or whatever the fuck you want to call it.No one is judging you for being white. This ad campaign is telling you to examine your privilege which you desperately need to do. It is not judging you for being white. After this rant we are judging you because you are a racist human being not because you are white. FUCK YOU, if your only reaction to me accomplishing something is ‘you’re lucky because you’re white’. I work hard for what I have and don’t you dare to tell me it’s because of my colouring.No one is saying you don’t work hard. However you do have an advantage over POC because you are more likely to get jobs, into schools, etc. because you are white. You do have an advantage in a society that privileges white people over POC. FUCK YOU, for ignoring my whole personal history, problems and hardships by non important, or not traumatic/bad enough because I WAS BORN WITH A LIGHT SKIN COLOUR. You really need to chill the fuck out. No one is ignoring your history or the hardships you face. However, because you are born white you do have an advantage in society. No one is saying you did not have traumatic/bad expereinces because you were born white. All this campaign is saying is you do not see racism because you do not experience it. You do not experience racism for being white.— and most importantly FUCK YOU if you think that it has done anything to make my life easier, because I assure you. IT DIDN’T.What you’re doing here is still RACISM and I will not sit calmly and let it fly around, so either educate yourselves or stop sprouting bullshit all around the place. Don’t you dare to make me feel bad because I was born looking like I am.Don’t you fucking dare.Racism = power + prejudice. No one is saying your life is a walk in the park because you are white. However, you do have privilege for being white because you do not face discriminated based on your race. You are not discriminated against because you are white. Your life would be harder if you were discriminated against for being white but buddy, you are not. You are not discriminated against for being white. This ad campaign does not discriminated against you and this society does not discriminated against you. Like I said, no one is trying to make you feel bad but you seriously need to shut the fuck up and learn about racism and white privilege. You have a lot of unexamined privileged. So shut the fuck up and educate yourself. You are an embarrassment to humanity. COMMENTARY.i think everyone just needs to breathe. -- source link
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