foreverficathon:Aftermath by dk323 / @avalonsilver Despite Henry’s return to England &ndash
foreverficathon: Aftermath by dk323 / @avalonsilver Despite Henry’s return to England – a place he should find comforting by virtue of familiarity – he feels adrift, lost. After all, not all his memories of England are happy ones. Now he lives in a decidedly quieter and emptier world since the war wiped out half the Earth’s population.With the end of the war, formerly secretive people come out of the woodwork. People with magic. Henry has to navigate a new world. And he learns there may be a way to end his immortality. A father’s job to worry by KristiLynn / @kristilynn Abe is getting married again and it causes Henry to think about the first time he was married. Henry has 235 years behind him, and many more to come. The Klondike Gold Rush, the Paris Modernist era, the USA Anti-War movement—Henry’s seen it all, but we’ve only heard a fraction of the tales he has to tell! Where has he been, what has he done, and where will he go in the future? In this ficathon, we tell Henry’s stories before the series, and those yet to come! UPCOMING DAYS Day Five: Sat Nov 26thDuck and Cover by idelthoughts / @truthisademureladyAmelioration by island-mountain-glacier (Obscurity) / @birbs-in-space Day Six: Sun Nov 27thOn-The-Run Saviors of Life! by KasperAura / @kasperaura Day Seven: Mon Nov 28thLa Morte du Lincoln by leighlou247 / @starlord-of-terraPaperwork by birdthatlookslikeastick / @birdthatlookslikeastick PREVIOUS DAYS Double Take by SpaceCadet72 / @bearholdingashark Those We Lost in Paris by Be3 / Be3 To seek out new life by Syrena_of_the_Lake / syrena_of_the_lake the tumblr tag: #onceandfuturehenrymorganthe ao3 collection: The Once and Future Henry Morgan -- source link
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