typhonbaalhammon:obiternihili:insallahmasallah:stolen from school meme pageI think“Papa, why is my b
typhonbaalhammon:obiternihili:insallahmasallah:stolen from school meme pageI think“Papa, why is my brother called Pegasus?”“Because your priest wanted to name him after something that doesn’t exist.”“Oh, thanks, I understand”“It’s nothing, benefits of colonization.”“Père” means “father”, not “priest”. Otherwise your translation’s mostly accurate. I think I should probably add that the expression “bienfaits de la colonisation” has its own history in French political landscape. Back in 2004 a law was passed, one provision of which was to make sure that French children be taught about “the positive role of French presence overseas, especially in North Africa”, which caused an uproar for obvious reasons. This was ultimately repealed. Since then expressions like “bienfaits de la colonisation” or “rôle positif de la colonisation” have become bywords for a special kind of colonialist boneheadedness. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loi_portant_reconnaissance_de_la_Nation_et_contribution_nationale_en_faveur_des_Fran%C3%A7ais_rapatri%C3%A9s -- source link