yarti: Addressed to Talwin Elakiit of Firsthold, Auridon. Sister, I hope that this letter has found

yarti: Addressed to Talwin Elakiit of Firsthold, Auridon. Sister, I hope that this letter has found
yarti: Addressed to Talwin Elakiit of Firsthold, Auridon. Sister, I hope that this letter has found
yarti: Addressed to Talwin Elakiit of Firsthold, Auridon. Sister, I hope that this letter has found
yarti: Addressed to Talwin Elakiit of Firsthold, Auridon. Sister, I hope that this letter has found
yarti: Addressed to Talwin Elakiit of Firsthold, Auridon. Sister, I hope that this letter has found