Speech of Citoyenne Lucidor Corbin, delivered at the Temple of Reason (30 Pluviôse, Year
Speech of Citoyenne Lucidor Corbin, delivered at the Temple of Reason (30 Pluviôse, Year II)This speech was delivered by Lucidor Corbin, a Creole citoyenne, during the Festival of the Abolition of Slavery, which the Paris Commune celebrated at the Temple of Reason (formerly Notre-Dame de Paris) on 30 Pluviôse, Year II. The festival celebrated the decree of 16 Pluviôse, by which the National Convention had abolished slavery in the colonies.French peoples [sic], the great day has arrived, the talisman of feudality is finally broken, Liberty, Equality, reigns over our Hemisphere, all our pains are over, the precious Decree [that has been] passed by our legislators makes us equal to all other people, we are reunited through the bonds of fraternity, our chains are broken, in order to never take them back. Yes, this we swear before our Goddess of Liberty, we will never follow other principles than those of Marat, who was sacrificed by a monster of despotism. Oh Marat, even if you are not present on this day, what joy would shine in your Heart and in your eyes.But [you], man [who is] cherished in life as well as after your death, be assured that our Hearts equal Altars that we will protect for your virtues. It was you who, through your writings, inspired the sacred love of Liberty in us, for which we will forever preserve an eternal gratitude towards you.And you, Ogée, free man of Colour, our brother and friend who carried the Decree of 15 May 1790 and who died as the first victim, assassinated by the aristocracy on our Islands, receive the weak homage of our gratitude.French people, is there a more beautiful day for us to unfold this Symbol of the reunion of the three peoples [i.e. the “tricolour flag” presented by the deputies of Saint-Domingue on 16 Pluviôse], between which the insolent aristocracy had traced a dividing line ; but it is finally shattered, just as the chains that we trample under our feet, and we swear again to defend Liberty [and] Equality, and to support the Republic one and indivisible. Source: Discours de la citoyenne Lucidor F. Corbin, créole, républicaine, prononcée [sic] par elle-même au Temple de la Raison, l'an 2e de la liberté -- source link
#french revolution#lucidor corbin#year ii#30 pluviôse