Octumblr random setMade with love and care, this set is a mix of CC fix + new meshes (painting and b
Octumblr random setMade with love and care, this set is a mix of CC fix + new meshes (painting and book ♥). I didn’t do it thinking about autumn because I had already started working on these objects a long time ago. But I think it was completed at the right time :).What’s included:•Milla_AngelaToulon_DiningtableEdited textures + CAS-Table version. Mesh by Angela @thesimsresouce. Recolors by Milla and 2 recolors by Helen @casaslindas.•Milla_AnyeCoffeeBarSet_MasonJarMesh by Anye @pinkbox. Edits and textures by Milla.•Milla_CassandreBlackSet_TableLampCAS-Table. Mesh by Cassandre. Edits and textures by Milla.•Milla_CenturyBookCAS-Table. Mesh and textures by Milla.•Milla_CenturyBookV2CAS-Table and stackable. Mesh and textures by Milla. Without shadow.•Milla_HelenWallpaperMouldingCAS-Table and only in package format for having many color variations. Textures and recolors by Helen @casaslindas.•Milla_MS91HarryBertoia_WireChairRemapped. CAS-Table. Mesh by @marcussims91. Textures by Milla.•Milla_MS91RH_LorraineChairRemapped (small adjustment in the mapping so that it can be colored with printed patterns). CAS-Table. Mesh by @marcussims91. Textures by Milla.•Milla_PilarKimono_ArmoireRemapped. CAS-Table. Mesh by Pilar @simcontrol. Textures by Milla.•Milla_ShinoKCRElegantHomeoffice_Armchair and Milla_ShinoKCRElegantHomeoffice_ChairMade some adjustments in the textures and a small correction in the backrest mapping to apply the rattan texture. CAS-Table. Mesh by ShinoKCR @thesimsresouce. Textures by Milla and Wood texture of the armchair is by @salix.•Milla_VintagePaintingCAS-Table. Mesh by Milla.High Load Polycount:Dining table ≅ 1268│Mason jar ≅ 1146│Table lamp ≅ 1746│Book ≅ 1612│Wirechair ≅ 3589│Lorraine chair ≅ 10066│Kimono armoire ≅ 2546│Elegant armchair ≅ 1543│Elegant chair ≅ 1332│Painting ≅ 414Download: Simfileshare Dropbox All swatchesCompressed files. Sims3packs, Packages and a Collection File included.Where I find?Rug│Vase│Ceiling lamp│Hanging planter, plant│Fall leaves, floor lamp│Skin rug -- source link
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