Scenes from the Annual Winter Carnival at NARA Park in Acton on Feb. 03, 2018. [Wicked Local Photo/R

Scenes from the Annual Winter Carnival at NARA Park in Acton on Feb. 03, 2018. [Wicked Local Photo/R
Scenes from the Annual Winter Carnival at NARA Park in Acton on Feb. 03, 2018. [Wicked Local Photo/R
Scenes from the Annual Winter Carnival at NARA Park in Acton on Feb. 03, 2018. [Wicked Local Photo/R
Scenes from the Annual Winter Carnival at NARA Park in Acton on Feb. 03, 2018. [Wicked Local Photo/R
Scenes from the Annual Winter Carnival at NARA Park in Acton on Feb. 03, 2018. [Wicked Local Photo/R
Scenes from the Annual Winter Carnival at NARA Park in Acton on Feb. 03, 2018. [Wicked Local Photo/R