“Oh!” Lauren said, as she realized in that moment she hadwalked into the completely wrong room. It w
“Oh!” Lauren said, as she realized in that moment she hadwalked into the completely wrong room. It was the first day of college, and thiswasn’t her Organic Chemistry class. This was something completely different.Her eyes quickly scanned the colorful room. The more she looked though, themore confused she became. Complete shock washed over her face.“…I’m sorry! I think I’m… I think I’m in the-“ Lauren saidtrying to get the words out. Her confused mind didn’t help.“Are you the one who didn’t show up this morning?! We’vebeen waiting for you!” The teacher said, in front of the class. Lauren didn’tknow how to respond. She was struggling with listening and registering thisroom at the same time.The room looked like it was designed for kindergarteners.Posters depicted how to say the “ABCs”, count from 1-100, tell what day it was,and even how to spell simple words like “Dog” and “Mommy”. Even strangerthough, were the students sitting in front of the teacher. They were full grownadults, yet they each wore extremely childish clothing. Onesies, short cutshirts and dresses. And each with their own thick adult diaper. This wasn’t a daycare though. This was college. The onlypeople that went here were adults. So why did this room even exist? Laurentried her best to back out of the situation.“No, no, I’m sorry, I’m not one of these… um… I’m not…”Lauren said, trying her best to sound politically correct. Her word fumblingallowed the teacher to cut right back in.“It said on your chart that you had a speech impediment.It’s okay dear! Mrs. Lisa, could you guide her to the circle please?” Theteacher said, motioning toward an aid in the back of the room. The aid noddedand quickly made the distance to the door. She took Lauren’s hand and nearlytugged her into the room.“Come on, little one! Don’t be shy. We love everyone equallyhere in the ‘specially’ gifted room!” the aid said to Lauren. The aid pulledher toward the center of the room for everyone to see.“Did you take your diaper off on the way here, darling? Whywould you do that? You could have made a mess right on the floor!” The teachersaid, pointing down at her groin. Lauren’s face grew red from embarrassment.She never did well being the center of attention. She found her voice fallinginto her throat again.“I… I… didn’t…” Lauren said, trying her best to form astraight sentence. The situation was evolving so quickly, and the staring eyesonly made it worse for her. Lauren felt her hand get tugged into anotherdirection.“You better hope you didn’t make a mess on the floor on yourway over here. We’ll have to tell one of the janitors to look out for anypuddles.” The aid said, as she guided Lauren toward an oversized changingtable. Lauren knew what was coming. If she didn’t do anything fast, she wasgoing to end up diapered just like the rest of these Rugrats.And yet. In that moment, Lauren found herself going alongwith the teacher. She didn’t know why at first. But there was something aboutthe authority the aid and Mrs. Lisa had over her. The way they quickly strippedher of her entire adulthood decision making. The way it vanished in an instant.Lauren couldn’t ignore the surprisingly strong desire shehad to keep going with this.“Oh.. O-okay..” Lauren said, trying her best to play intothe speech impediment they thought she had. She put up no fight when the aidlaid her on the table and started sliding her skirt off. “We’ll get you in a nice dry diaper, then you don’t have toworry one bit about your accidents. It said on your chart here that you’requite the little fountain!” The aid said, as she placed the diaper onto thetable. She patted Lauren’s bum, and subsequently slid the diaper underneathher. The aid lifted the front of the diaper up, and taped the diaper snugglyaround Lauren’s waist.“Alright class! You can have your free time now! We’ll havenaptime after. Go and play with whatever you’d like!” Mrs. Lisa said to theovergrown adult babies. Lauren smirked at the thought of playtime. She swung herlegs around and slid her diapered butt off the table. “Go on!” The aid said, looking down at Lauren. “You can playwith anything you’d like, maybe you can go draw us a pretty picture over by theblackboard!” Mrs. Lisa said, pointing toward the board across the room. Lauren,feeling a giddy excitement course through her, just nodded.“O..Ot…Otay.” She said, before walking up toward the board.These excited emotions were completely new to Lauren. She never thought she’dget such a kick out of being treated like this. She had been so stressed aboutgoing to college in the first place. It was oddly nice to be treated withlittle expectation. So little, that they didn’t even expect her to keep herpants dry.It was fun for Lauren to slip into the roll of the diapered,speech impaired, little girl they expected her to be. Lauren let her mind playas she grabbed a piece of chalk and started drawing aimlessly on the board. Shedidn’t have anything in mind, she started drawing lazily. Her masterpiece endedup becoming a crudely drawn butterfly. One that looked like just like littlekid’s drawing.As she started her finishing touches, Lauren felt a twingein her bladder. She’d already felt the need to go before she entered in theroom. That’s what happens when you’re college coffee drinker. Her mental reflexwas to hold it and look for a bathroom. But Lauren didn’t have to do that here.No one expected her to be able to make it, let alone even know how to. Therewasn’t much debate in her mind over it. The giddy feelings from before bubbleto the surface of her mind. With a devilish smile, she widened her stance, andstarted relaxing her bladder muscles.It took a couple minutes to get the flow going. Years ofpotty training were working against her. But once she felt the first drops ofwarm pee spread into her crotch, she was hooked. The floodgates opened andLauren let a rush of pee drop into her diaper. “I could get used to this…” Lauren thought, as she finishedher butterfly, her diaper still expanding. “Wow! What a prettydrawing! You worked so hard on that, didn’t you?” Mrs. Lisa said to Lauren.Lauren nodded her head vigorously. “Yweah, I-I… m-me diwd… diwd….” Lauren said, purposelystuttering over herself. She added the childish lisp in for added effect.“Don’t worry, Sweetie. I know what you’re trying to say.We’ll work on that speech of yours. Your diaper looks like you already had alittle accident, huh? I had a feeling you were going to be our class diapersoaker from your medical description.” Mrs. Lisa said. Without hesitation shepressed her hand up against Lauren’s padded crotch to asses the damage. “You’renot too wet though, you’ll probably make it through naptime. We’ll have to seehow much of a bedwetter you are!” Mrs. Lisa said. Lauren just shrugged andnodded.“I don’ k-knoww.” She said. It was so much fun to play babylike this. Her brain felt overwhelming waves of pleasure wash over her witheach childish act. Lauren wanted to chase these feelings. Every adult in theroom saw her as nothing more than a diaper piddling baby. So why not just havefun and indulge these feelings? “Well class, it’s been an hour! Let’s get you all ready fornaptime!” Mrs. Lisa exclaimed loudly to the class. A couple of low groansaccompanied the news. “You’ll all feel so much more refreshed and energizedafter! Come on, everyone. Grab a sleeping roll from the cubby. The adult babies, including Lauren, shuffled over to thecubbies. The aid started passing out soft bed rolls and blankets to each baby.“And one for you!” The aid said, as she handed Lauren a bundle. She smiled andgrabbed it from her. Lauren spun around and surveyed the room. She decided tosleep in the same corner where she drew her picture. She waddled over to thespot. She noticed in that moment how hard it was to walk straight in herthickly padded diaper. She relished in the bulky soggy feeling between herwaist. Lauren laid out her roll underneath the blackboard. She threwthe blanket over the padding and snuggled underneath the blanket. The softblanket started to warm her gently. “Does anyone need a pacifier to sleep?” Mrs. Lisa said. Shehad a group of pacifiers looped around her fingers. Lauren didn’t know if shewanted one at first. She reasoned quickly that if she was already wettingherself and taking a nap, she might as well go all out. She meekly raised herhand for Mrs. Lisa to see.“You didn’t have to raise your hand, little one. I had afeeling you’d want one anyways.” Mrs. Lisa said, as she popped the pinkpacifier into Lauren’s mouth. The plastic bulb felt heavenly. She startedsucking instantly on the pacifier. Happiness spread like waves through Lauren’sbody.The lights cut out and before long, Lauren found herself ina room with sleeping adult babies. She had no chance of falling asleep though.Even if she hadn’t drank a few cups of coffee mere hours ago, she’d wouldn’t beable to push down the feelings of excitement rippling through her chest. Thiswas fun to Lauren. She oddly enjoyed being treated like this. Having to stressabout college was doing serious harm to her mental health. To sit back and letbigger, more responsible, adults do all the work for her? When all she had todo was wet diapers and finger paint? Who wouldn’t want that life?Lauren felt safe here. This was a room where she could bewhatever she wanted. And as another round of pressure built up in her bladder,she knew what she wanted to be. She started to push again. She pushed down onher bladder and relaxed her muscles at the same time. This time the flow cameout way faster. The padding around her crotch started to warm and grow soggyyet again. This time the stream trickled down into the seat of her diaper. Shepushed every single drop out in to her waiting diaper. The multiple heavywettings caused the diaper to balloon outward from her crotch.Lauren sucked happily on her pacifier for the rest ofnaptime. If she felt even the slightest pressure in her bladder while she“napped” it would go right into her diaper. She sucked and dribbled into herdiaper until the lights came back on.“Alright everyone! Does anyone need a change after naptime?”Mrs. Lisa said. Her gaze instantly fell onto Lauren. “I needa-da ch-chaangg… a chaaangin’. “Lauren said with herlisp.“I thought so.” Mrs. Lisa said, as she made her way acrossthe room. She tugged the blanket off Lauren and threw it behind her. “Oh yeah, look at you! You’re practically soaked! I knewyou’d be a heavy bedwetter.” Mrs. Lisa said, as she started untapping the soggydiaper around Lauren’s waist. “My, my. You’re a quite a ways from pottytraining, huh?” Mrs. Lisa said. Lauren felt so babyish in that moment. She lether mouth do the talking.“P-poddy T-twaining?” Lauren said with a curious tone. Mrs.Lisa just smiled and pulled the wet diaper out from under her.“I wouldn’t expect you to know what that is right now. Don’tworry! We’ll get there.” Mrs. Lisa said. Immediately after she said that, thedoor to the room opened. All eyes looked at the door as a professionallydressed woman walked through the door. A moment later, a shy looking womanfollowed behind her. She was nibbling on her thumb and twisting her legsnervously. Her short uniform skirt did nothing to hide adult diaper around herwaist.“Lisa, I found the kid you were looking for.” The womansaid, before pointing to the diapered woman. Mrs. Lisa shot a curious look ather.“I thought…” Mrs. Lisa said, as she looked back at Lauren. Laurenfelt fear course through her, but she remained calm in Mrs. Lisa’s presence.Mrs. Lisa was skeptical at first, but then she looked at Lauren’sheavily used diaper in her hand. Mrs. Lisa looked back up at the door and said,“Come on in! I’ll be right there after I finish changing this little one!” Mrs.Lisa said, before turning back toward Lauren.Mrs. Lisa took a dry diaper and placed it under Lauren’sbum. She expertly aligned the diaper and started taping it onto Lauren’s waist.“Doesn’t matter who you are, little one. You’re exactlywhere you’re supposed to be now, aren’t you?” Mrs. Lisa said, looking warm andmotherly into Lauren’s eyes.Lauren looked down at the diaper she was getting taped into.Her pacifier bobbed in and out. She looked up into Mrs. Lisa’s eyes and saidexactly what was in her heart.“Y-ywes, mwrs. Wisaa.” Lauren said, knowing this was exactlywhere she was supposed to be from now on. “College” was going to be a lot offun.Like this caption? 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