tommilsom:pr3t3nt10us:I’m in a sort of limbo period with religion right now, but I’m seriously leani
tommilsom:pr3t3nt10us:I’m in a sort of limbo period with religion right now, but I’m seriously leaning towards Tibetan Buddhism. I believe in everything they say. But, my religion is irrelevant.Saying “The kind of prayer that annoys me is the kind wherein people actually think they’re helping…” is basically doing what you’re hating. NOT praying is doing just about nothing, either. You can’t know, and you don’t know, that praying does nothing.If you’ve donated, excellent. But spending eight hours complaining about prayers on Tumblr is just as bad as spending eight hours praying on Tumblr. In both situations, you’ve managed to do nothing. I donated today, I also helped spread the word about Japan. But you know what else I did? I helped spread the word about the situation in Lybia, and the situation in Tibet, and the situation in Australia, and the situation right here in the USA. I’m not saying I’m righteous or a nun or something, I’m saying that I actually DID something today.I pray. I constantly pray. I refuse to believe that something so beautiful as human life was an accident. But my beliefs are irrelevant. And so are yours.There are people dying in Japan. There are thousands of people dying in Japan.No one’s opinion matters, no one’s religion or colour or sexual orientation matters. People are dying. We don’t need arguements, we need donations and support.And, burn me at the stake for saying it, but we need prayers. We need the hope and the love they bring.(for more information on donating, click here)There are just so many things about this that don’t make sense. What the hell could you possibly be praying for? Do you think you’re alerting God to the massive fucking tragedy that’s enveloped half of one of the continents he’s supposedly all powerful over? Do you think that lots of prayers are more powerful than one prayer, that God will be sitting back and watching it unfold with a bag of popcorn but ‘Oh, now that LOTS of you are praying to me about it, I guess I’d better get off my ass and sort this out’? You believe God works on general consensus? If you believe he exists, that means you believe he DID this shit, or at the very least, sat back and let it happen. So go ahead, politely ask this God of yours if he wants to maybe help sort out the carnage he’s created, but only as long as you do something genuinely useful at the same time, like donating to the Red Cross so that they can do some active work at reversing what was either a tragic disaster or the work of a God who is so incompetent that your prayers will fall on deaf ears, or so hateful of his creation that he will laugh at your pathetic attempts to get him to give the damn he should have given a fucking week ago.Uhh, Tom? I’m pretty sure this rant is directed at the wrong person. According to wikipedia, “The refutation of the notion of a supreme God or a prime mover is seen as a key distinction between Buddhism and other religions.” So, chances are this person doesn’t even believe in an omnipotent god in the first place… -- source link
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