I’m happy to announce that I’ve participated in a huge Pokémon Collab, ce
I’m happy to announce that I’ve participated in a huge Pokémon Collab, celebrating the release of the new games, Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl! Swipe to see all the artwork, and check their authors below! #SinnohAllStars 1. Torterra : @mikeyg_art 2. Infernape: @zillusionfoxz 3. Empoleon: @rai_artwork - Kevin 4. Staraptor: @chikoritarts 5. Bibarel: @shellsinretrograde 6. Kricketune: @i___ben___i 7. Luxray: @senshi_sammo_art 8. Roserade: @yoshiartsx 9. Rampardos : @carmineq_ 10. Bastiodon: @vermilion_roots 11. Wormadam: @linnotheshibo 12. Mothim: @soulsilverart 13. Vespiquen: @jojos.stitches 14. Pachirisu: @chibimusume 15. Floatzel: @lucius_artxx 16. Cherrim: @azusteve 17. Gastrodon: @vanillalemondrop 18. Ambipom: @bulbasaureon 19. Drifblim: @grrlluvspokemon 20. Lopunny: @shydish.art 21. Mismagius: @rai_artwork - Rai 22. Honchkrow: @thomyads.art 23. Purugly: @pikapaints 24. Skuntank: @donatarosca 25. Bronzong: @lexies.doodles 26. Chatot: @erosxart 27. Spiritomb: @ushien.art 28. Garchomp: @sketched_reality 29. Lucario: @andanyworks - Daniela 30. Hippowdon: @ochazake 31. Drapion : @hilltimitdendillen 32. Toxicroak : @poke.weabuki 33. Carnivine: @green_leif_artwork 34. Lumineon: @deedee.sylveonxart 35. Abomasnow: @emberfawkes 36. Weavile : @luchidart 37. Magnezone: @g.o.l.u.r.k_arts 38. Lickilicky: @miu.c.c.draws 39. Rhyperior : @salamandave 40. Tangrowth: @o_random_art 41. Electrivire: @keir_mcdoodle 42. Magmortar: @crf_artroom 43. Togekiss: @lucylumiere.art 44. Yanmega: @smtcake 45. Leafeon : @elieli.art 46. Glaceon : @danspencilverse 47. Gliscor: @andanyworks - Andrés 48. Mamoswine: @olivia93_va 49. Porygon-z : @theserotoninart 50. Gallade: @dragonceleshart 51. Probopass: @the_wet_crayon 52. Dusknoir : @wasabi_darling 53. Froslass: @bunbun.artsquare 54. Rotom: @viranposting 55. Dialga: @hello.yellow.art 56. Palkia : @oswhvte 57. Giratina : @wox7per (at Stuttgart, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWd18fIr78h/?utm_medium=tumblr -- source link
Tumblr Blog : salamandave.tumblr.com