BRANCALONIA - THE SPAGHETTI FANTASY RPGby Acheron BooksThis is a project that I’m working on like Il
BRANCALONIA - THE SPAGHETTI FANTASY RPGby Acheron BooksThis is a project that I’m working on like Illustrator.if you are interested in supporting it (there are still stretch goals to unlock ), you can go to the Kickstarter link belowSupport the ProjectIt was also designed for the English language.An all-italian medieval, roguish and picaresque setting for the 5th Edition of the most famous role-playing game of all time.“Enter Brancalonia, an anti-heroic land full of pitfalls and profit possibilities, in the most incredible and roguish Italian role-playing game you have ever participated in!Create your band of Knaves, enlist in a free Company, get assigned some well-paid jobs, whack some chiacchierone and go give a fist and knife buffet to those deserving it.When you have collected a nice loot and climbed the ranks of your company a bit, you will be ready to try your luck in that final job that could let you go out in blaze of glory…After all, you are in a fantasy version of Italy: escape from guards, taste La Bella Vita and gain big money with some dirty job. What could possibly go wrong?” -- source link