day 354 : i interrupt your insta-feed to bring you two minutes of ridiculous antics that come with d
day 354 : i interrupt your insta-feed to bring you two minutes of ridiculous antics that come with doing something for the first time. . find more ways to move. find more ways to play. #movementiseverything . awkward finger dance (just for you @addymariewillis) and makeshift curtsy at the end! . thanks @silaswade for and making sure was on point. . . . #hulahoop #newthings #firsttimeforeverything #rebuild #spinalcordinjury #scirecovery #learningtowalkagain #notimeforparalysis #whatparalysis #notalldisabilitiesarevisible #paraplegiclife #incompleteparaplegic #thecomebackisstrongerthanthesetback #brokenbody #bionicbadass #lifeaftersci #nothingisofflimits #exerciseismedicine #moveyourbody #takecareofyourbodyandyourbodywilltakecareofyou #liveyourbestlife #craighospital -- source link